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How Do You Handle Backup/Substitutes?

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  • How Do You Handle Backup/Substitutes?

    Hi all, just curious how you handle times when you will need a backup provider or substitute?

    I had to take my son to an appointment this morning (I usually try to schedule everything outside of dc hours but specialists and hospitals are simply not available evenings/weekends ) and had a friend here for three hours. She has gone through the requirements for our state (background check, SIDS/SBS training) and is also one of my dcps (have her dd 3x week) and she's my best friend.

    It works out SOOO well to have her here - I trust her completely and the other parents all know her and she knows their kids. However, I RARELY use her - the last time was more than 6 months ago. I'd love to have someone else I can use more frequently (my friend is going to school and has 3 children of her own so I try not to rely too heavily on her). It would be nice to make it to some of my kids school events or even just to have some time out of the house with just my two younger ones every once in a while!

    So, what works for you guys???

  • #2
    I am new and curious as well. BUT..maybe nobody is posting because they dont know how to do it either.
    I have heard that some providers take the dc kids on errands and to MD appts. Personally this is not something I would do but some providers do so thats an option.


    • #3
      I get a list of field trips and holiday parties from my childrens schools as soon as school starts, if not before and I take off days I want to go! Like today I went on my preschoolers field trip to an awsome farm today and it was the greatest ever to have just a day with her and she MORE than deserves this time with me! I gave out a list of days off in Sept -Dec! However I do not get paid for these days, unless I use my paid vacation days! My parents all have to find back up care, but no one has ever complained as long as they have a good amount of time to make arrangements! Between my husband and myself we usually make a majority of my childrens events at school, but my oldest just started Kindergarten and I have a 3yr old in a preschool program which is 2 days a week, once they get older and probably have more events - I probably won't be able to make as much! My mother is able to sub for me once and awhile as well as my hubby who has been through all of the requirements! That is how I do it anyway....


      • #4
        In the past I have used one of my friends or one of my sisters.
        I don't have back up this year. parent's responsibility to have a backup plan.
        I am taking 3 unpaid days off between end of August and Jan 1st. I let the parents know the dates in Sept. Only one of my parents complained that I was taking one of the days is an inservice day at school and my child is having SURGERY!!! What is wrong with some people??? This complaining parent has never made the effort to cover herself with a backup plan. Not my problem. I have watched their child for 2 years since child was born and they will always be the family to complain. I always gives MONTHS advance notice and don't charge them for days that I take off. Sorry for the rant!! Oh well,
        Some people. my other three families are wonderful by the way. never any problem with them because I am so dependable.....and they have made the effort to have a backup plan. All of my own kids are school aged and my husband is self employed so he can sometimes take care of things for our own kids when things come up during childcare hours. Years ago when I just watched one I would drag the poor lil guy on errands with me sometimes.


        • #5
          I put that in my handbook, that if I have a appt, or a family emergency, illness, etc, it is up to the parents to find back up care. That is there responsibility to have a back up person. Doesn't that just make sense anyway?? They have the option of dropping off earlier, later, picking up earlier etc, to accomodate my appts etc, and they still pay for a full day. if they dont have back up, not my problem.

          Yesterday I had to inform a parent of a appt I have on thurs, which is extremely urgent and spur of the moment, and they dont have a back up. Mom will have to call in to work until I get back home. Oh well!!!


          • #6
            My husband is my main back-up provider--he's with the kids all afternoon so he's the perfect back-up if I need to go somewhere. If we both need to be out of the house (he's hoping to make it to at least a few of my prenatal appointments) I'm going to talk to the DCPs about using my mom or my sister for a couple hours in the afternoon so we can get that done.
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

