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Someone Trade Places With Me!

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  • Someone Trade Places With Me!

    The baby with colic hasn't stopped crying since he got here almost 3 hours ago. Shoot me now. Ugh.

  • #2
    I feel for you. My 1yr DCG has won. It does not matter what I do she fusses all the time, except if I hold her. I broke down yesterday & applied for a job outside of the home.


    • #3
      The baby I watch, we nicknamed him "fussy boy" The 3 yr old dcg came in today and said, "fussy boy is here!"::


      • #4
        Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
        I feel for you. My 1yr DCG has won. It does not matter what I do she fusses all the time, except if I hold her. I broke down yesterday & applied for a job outside of the home.
        I am getting there. It just seems that only the high needs boys come to my house. I need some low maintenence kids. Do they exist any more? What is modern day parenting doing to these kids?!?! UGH!


        • #5
          Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
          I feel for you. My 1yr DCG has won. It does not matter what I do she fusses all the time, except if I hold her. I broke down yesterday & applied for a job outside of the home.
          Good luck on your job searching!! I know it has crossed my mind alot as well!!


          • #6
            I think it's funny how one horrible whiner/cryer can make you want to find another job...and not funny like haha, funny like I completely agree and have been there before. Mine wasn't necessarily the cryer but she was CLINGY! Drove me crazy! I have many a days when I've had her during naptime got on a job searching website!

            Good luck!


            • #7
              I know you two said you were looking outside the home.
              I am just getting ready to open my daycare and I cannot wait to not have a boss, someone looking over my shoulder, the catty women, the gossip, the rules that do not make any sense, someone telling me when I can and cannot eat, go to the bathroom, call my husband. The long commute in traffic, back and forth. Ugh, I know you guys are having a rough time too but just wanted to bring up the other side. i know dc wont be easy but I am so sick of the politics of work I cannot wait to be home.

              i didnt mean to bring you down or dis getting a job other than daycare. I just wanted to offer the other prespective in case you were just having a bad day.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MommyMuffin View Post
                I know you two said you were looking outside the home.
                I am just getting ready to open my daycare and I cannot wait to not have a boss, someone looking over my shoulder, the catty women, the gossip, the rules that do not make any sense, someone telling me when I can and cannot eat, go to the bathroom, call my husband. The long commute in traffic, back and forth. Ugh, I know you guys are having a rough time too but just wanted to bring up the other side. i know dc wont be easy but I am so sick of the politics of work I cannot wait to be home.

                i didnt mean to bring you down or dis getting a job other than daycare. I just wanted to offer the other prespective in case you were just having a bad day.
                Just keep in mind, your bosses become the ankle biter kinds. You may not admit it, but they are. The b!tch and moan all day long, just like any other regular job boss! Except you can't reason with all. There is NO green grass maybe? LOL! You know, on the other side? I love my little colic boy, and hope he grows out of this very soon.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MommyMuffin View Post
                  I know you two said you were looking outside the home.
                  I am just getting ready to open my daycare and I cannot wait to not have a boss, someone looking over my shoulder, the catty women, the gossip, the rules that do not make any sense, someone telling me when I can and cannot eat, go to the bathroom, call my husband. The long commute in traffic, back and forth. Ugh, I know you guys are having a rough time too but just wanted to bring up the other side. i know dc wont be easy but I am so sick of the politics of work I cannot wait to be home.

                  i didnt mean to bring you down or dis getting a job other than daycare. I just wanted to offer the other prespective in case you were just having a bad day.
                  Oh yes I remember those days but I also remember there being some jobs out there that are very flexible (office) which is what I am looking at. Parents alos seem to think they are your boss (some, not all) Not to mention that they will push your policy to the limit as well. Most of the time the parents have been the worst part of the job not the kids. Except now, a yr of the screamer is enough.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
                    I feel for you. My 1yr DCG has won. It does not matter what I do she fusses all the time, except if I hold her. I broke down yesterday & applied for a job outside of the home.
                    I have been pondering this lately too..I keep fighting myself on this one. Doing daycare is so flexible and I have it easy during the school day, it's when I have them all that drives me to wonder if it's all worth it. I think I can, I think I can!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
                      Oh yes I remember those days but I also remember there being some jobs out there that are very flexible (office) which is what I am looking at. Parents alos seem to think they are your boss (some, not all) Not to mention that they will push your policy to the limit as well. Most of the time the parents have been the worst part of the job not the kids. Except now, a yr of the screamer is enough.
                      I totally agree with this- alot of times it's not the children, it is the PARENTS!!!!

