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Now What???

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  • Now What???

    Not sure if you guys remember the post I recently posted about a problem child, well I ended up giving a 2 week probation and she tried to talk her way out of that but I stood firm. She signed it and we are on the same page or so I thought. It's sunday evening and dcm mom calls to ask me if I hurt her son because out of the blue on their way to church he says that I hurt him and showed her how. I have never laid a hand on anyone elses child but my own...I'm so upset and shaking and angry that he would lie on me like that. What do you guys think? Now I think I should have listened to some of your advice when you said to term them immediately. I just started this business and I need this income. She seems to have believed me and said she was going to talk to him some more. But didn't say if she was coming tomorrow. I know I haven't touched him but what if she turns this into something else.
    Tonya R. Jones
    Home Provider happyface

  • #2
    Major red flag. This looks like trouble. I would run away fast.


    • #3
      That's what I want to do, but I don't want it to look like I'm hiding anything. Probation is set to end early next week. Unless he has another serious issue pop up. Ugghhhhhhh
      Tonya R. Jones
      Home Provider happyface


      • #4
        I don't know what the terms of his probation are, but telling a lie about you-especially one as serious as that-should definitely be considered breaking probation! Having a child lie about something like that is just a huge liability.


        • #5
          The probation was about his behavior towards the younger children, he likes to sneakily hit them or take things from them. What sparked the probation was that he spit on another child.
          Tonya R. Jones
          Home Provider happyface


          • #6
            First off, good job sticking to your guns with terming. Secondly, if it were me I would probably let the dcm know that effective immediately the child can not return. I would fear that he would come back and then make up something else. I would be honest with her and let her know that I am not comfortable caring for any child that blatantly lies about being hurt by me and it makes me uncomfortable as well as concerned that this will be blown up into something. I would also document some how the conversation that took place just to have for your records and based on how dcm responds I would possibly considering giving licensing a heads up that she may be contacting them. :hug: It sucks that you are dealing with this already and I hope things get better for you soon.


            • #7
              Thank you! And that actually sounds like a great idea. I was planning on calling licensing in the morning. I don't want any drama I just want to care for children.
              Tonya R. Jones
              Home Provider happyface


              • #8
                You've already gotten great advice, just wanted to add my wishes of good luck!! I hope dcm realizes kids make up stories all the time, yes even her lil precious.
                Hugs and hope it all works out!


                • #9
                  Agree with PP!
                  Wanted to send :hug:


                  • #10
                    I'm not at all convinced that the kid is the one who made up that lie, I feel the mother is more likely the one.... if that happened to me I would feel she was trying to threaten into keeping the kid to avoid further problems....anyway I would do exactly what Luvinmykids said.

                    good luck to you :hug:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Maria2013 View Post
                      I'm not at all convinced that the kid is the one who made up that lie, I feel the mother is more likely the one.... if that happened to me I would feel she was trying to threaten into keeping the kid to avoid further problems....anyway I would do exactly what Luvinmykids said.

                      good luck to you :hug:
                      I was thinking the same thing- either way though a blatant lie would be instant termination I would think as this child is already on probation. It is too dangerous to your future as a childcare provider to chance having a child or parent in your care that is willing to make up lies that could send you to jail.


                      • #12
                        I was wondering if she was looking at a way of getting out of her contract, and going elsewhere.

                        Many providers would issue an immediate termination if a child with behaviour problems started making accusations against the provider.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Michael View Post
                          Major red flag. This looks like trouble. I would run away fast.
                          whatever the reason I would do that^


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the hugs. I'm going to call her and terminate care immediately.
                            Tonya R. Jones
                            Home Provider happyface


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by tjones34 View Post
                              Thanks for the hugs. I'm going to call her and terminate care immediately.
                              great! and don't let her intimidate you

