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14 Month Old Wakes Early

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  • 14 Month Old Wakes Early

    My daycare space is basically one big open room. I have my younger kids nap in pack and plays in seperate rooms and my 2-3 year olds nap on mats in the main room. I have a 14 month old that always wakes up about 45 min into nap time and wants to be up.

    I've tried distracting her with toys but she is constistant with wanting to get to the sleeping kids and croll on them. I've put her in a high chair and given her a snack and she screams.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  • #2
    Is the 14 month old on one nap or still taking two? If two, I'd drop the morning one as she doesn't seem to need it if she is waking up.

    Can you put her in her own room? That way, if she wakes up early, she won't distract anyone with some crying/fussing. I'd be gentle and consistant and tell her, "it's sleeping time"... soothe her every 10 minutes of crying... but do not get her out of her crib. A 14 month old should really be tired, and 45 minutes of nap a day is not enough for that age.


    • #3
      Originally posted by preschoolteacher View Post
      Is the 14 month old on one nap or still taking two? If two, I'd drop the morning one as she doesn't seem to need it if she is waking up.

      Can you put her in her own room? That way, if she wakes up early, she won't distract anyone with some crying/fussing. I'd be gentle and consistant and tell her, "it's sleeping time"... soothe her every 10 minutes of crying... but do not get her out of her crib. A 14 month old should really be tired, and 45 minutes of nap a day is not enough for that age.
      This. I do not move kids to the main nap area until I know they are ready - and part of that means they know they can't just get up when they feel like it. I know some here do not, but my under 2's are all in PNP's. I've just found they sleep better and longer when they feel "contained."


      • #4
        I have a 23 month old who does the same thing- when she wakes up she crys - loud! So no one is getting good sleep . She is in a pack n play. I think I'm going to have to move her to her own room- which I don't do... I don't get her out until nap is over but she hasn't gone back to sleep yet (second week in care), I have tried to give her books and a stuffed animal but it doesn't matter.
        If when I move her she still doesn't fall back to sleep I will probably bring her out with me for quiet time with books- hopefully she won't scream through that!


        • #5
          If you can I would put her in another room. When she wakes let her self soothe. I had to move a 1 year old into my room because she was disrupting the other children. I went out and purchased a video monitor so I could watch her sleep while I was with the other children in the nap room. After a few days of self soothing during nap time she started sleeping the whole 2 hours without problems. Good luck!


          • #6
            She is in a different room. If I take her out there is only the big room to go so I guess my question was more do you leave them for the remaining time or take them out when they wake?

            She does take a morning nap( also about 45 min) since she's up at about 5am and our nap time isn't until noon. I've tried keeping her up but she was out by 10-11 and then woke up when everyone was starting to fall asleep.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              She is in a different room. If I take her out there is only the big room to go so I guess my question was more do you leave them for the remaining time or take them out when they wake?

              She does take a morning nap( also about 45 min) since she's up at about 5am and our nap time isn't until noon. I've tried keeping her up but she was out by 10-11 and then woke up when everyone was starting to fall asleep.
              Could you do a 15 minute power nap in the morning? I would suggest leaving her in there. With time it should get better. Kids that take 2 naps can be really difficult. Take a morning nap then won't sleep when the big kids are sleeping then want another nap when it's time for the big kids to get up. Then you never really have quiet time to get things done or just have a break!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                She is in a different room. If I take her out there is only the big room to go so I guess my question was more do you leave them for the remaining time or take them out when they wake?

                She does take a morning nap( also about 45 min) since she's up at about 5am and our nap time isn't until noon. I've tried keeping her up but she was out by 10-11 and then woke up when everyone was starting to fall asleep.
                Some kids just don't sleep as long as others, and sometimes taking away the morning nap can backfire. I have had kids who just need that 10am - 1pm nap for a time period. It's a pain, but when you are watching younger kids you are going to have that "two naps is too many but one is not enough" phase.

                By the way, all mine sleep on mattresses from 1 at the latest. I have taught kids as young as 6 months to sleep on mattresses. Now my group is 6 months to 15 months, and the 15 month old is the best. After she was here 2 days she understood she stays on the mattress from when I put her to bed to when I tell her it's time to get up.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rachel View Post
                  Some kids just don't sleep as long as others, and sometimes taking away the morning nap can backfire. I have had kids who just need that 10am - 1pm nap for a time period. It's a pain, but when you are watching younger kids you are going to have that "two naps is too many but one is not enough" phase.

                  By the way, all mine sleep on mattresses from 1 at the latest. I have taught kids as young as 6 months to sleep on mattresses. Now my group is 6 months to 15 months, and the 15 month old is the best. After she was here 2 days she understood she stays on the mattress from when I put her to bed to when I tell her it's time to get up.
                  I have seen that stated on the forum before by diff providers and I can't imagine a little one on a mat! Totally not judging- I just wonder how you do it!! Do you stay in the room while they nap? My kids average 2-2.5 before they are on mats- I have two just two year olds- I can't fathom them being able to do it...
                  I feel I'm pretty good at discipline too- my kids are extremely well behaved when they are with me- so it isn't like I have a group I let be rowdy or out of control either...
                  I give those of you who can do it props!! I wish I could get rid of my pack n plays!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Familycare71 View Post
                    I have seen that stated on the forum before by diff providers and I can't imagine a little one on a mat! Totally not judging- I just wonder how you do it!! Do you stay in the room while they nap? My kids average 2-2.5 before they are on mats- I have two just two year olds- I can't fathom them being able to do it...
                    I feel I'm pretty good at discipline too- my kids are extremely well behaved when they are with me- so it isn't like I have a group I let be rowdy or out of control either...
                    I give those of you who can do it props!! I wish I could get rid of my pack n plays!
                    When they first start, yes, I sit next to them. It can be a little bit of a pain with younger ones when they don't nap together, but by 12 months usually they are all on the same schedule. If they crawl off, I put them back on. Pretty quick (within a week), they learn they are not allowed to crawl off the mattress. Right now my 6 month old is hte only one really on a different schedule. When he is tired I lay him down and say goodnight and leave. If he crawls off, I will put him back on. It takes a bit more effort in the beginning, but so worth it IMO. I did have cribs last year, but the kids were all on different schedules (between 4 & 8 months in Dec. when I opened after maternity leave). After the summer break, everyone went to mattresses (including the two new babies I am watching, 6m & 7m)

