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How Much Craziness Do You Allow?

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  • How Much Craziness Do You Allow?

    I have 2 boys that are between 2 1/2 and 3, a new 2, an 18 month old, an 8 month old and a 2 month old. The 2 year old boys want to run and act crazy all the time, in a group of all boys their age I wouldn't think anything of it. They are acting like 2 year old boys, their attention spanned is about 2 minutes if that. I feel like sometimes I am to hard on them, they are two year old boys after all but at the same time it isn't just them, I have other kids here to think about too. I can't allow them to just run and act nuts, they are going to hurt the other kids and the noise OMG!!! I feel like some times I expect to much of them but I do think they should be able to sit down and play quietly for a while. Am I being to hard on them thinking that the two of them should be able to sit down and play with the cars, blocks etc. etc. together without the dumping, scattering, running, yelling? I keep the babies together in my living room, our family room is set up as the playroom so they don't have to worry about the 2 babies while playing but there is an 18 months old and a new 2 that have access to the playroom with them. I keep sensory boxes, play doh, puzzles etc. at my dining room table, totally off limits to the new 2 and 18 month old. I try to rotate the boys in and out of the dining room so that they aren't in the play room together all day but even that doesn't seem to be working. Maybe I am expecting to much. What do you expect from your 2 1/2-3 group?

  • #2
    You have to engage and redirect them. It is tough, but at this time, they are learning what is expected. You need to help them meet expectations.
    One, LOTS of outside time, where they can be crazy.
    Two, schedule so they know what to expect.
    Three, when it is time to play inside with toys, limit their choices. Maybe get out blocks and get them to copy you playing with the blocks. Make something with the duplos, etc. When they get better about not dumping/ clean up time, they can have more choices.
    You are in the training period. Your expectations may be different from mine or anyone else's but they can learn them. You just have to take the time to teach them what they are, and help them learn. The key is to meet their needs first, exercise, running, food, water, sleep, then teach, redirect, model, rinse and repeat.


    • #3
      I expect a LOT of noise! I have 4 boys and 11 month old girl started last week. The last 2 years I have been filled with boys (except my daughter that just went to Kindergarden) The noise doesn't bother me personally. When it does and they are just to hyper and noisy we play what do you hear? We sit outside in a circle and listen. The cars passing by, grasshoppers, wind exc exc. They love it!


      • #4
        I understand they're young kids and their nature is to be loud and active, but they will not always be 2yrs old and if you let them do as they please now, they will be that out of hand even at 4-5yrs etc. are responsible for the safety and well being of those kids and unless you correct that behavior by setting limits and enforcing the rules, someone will end up getting hurt....



        • #5
          The only time I have a lot of noise is when we are outside or when my school agers are home after school (just the numbers!)... I generally have more boys but don't allow rough play. For me daycare isn't the place-
          Now talk to me about my two boys that are close in age when they were younger and you would hear a diff story! ::


          • #6
            I do not allow craziness. There is no running or yelling inside. Even with those rules it can get loud!! All my kiddos are 2 and up though. And it was a lot louder when I had mostly boys.


            • #7
              Running is for outside only. Getting loud while playing appropriately is OK, but being loud just for the sake of being loud is not.


              • #8
                We don't run or yell inside. Sometimes if the play gets too "rough", they have to sit down and play.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by blandino View Post
                  We don't run or yell inside. Sometimes if the play gets too "rough", they have to sit down and play.
                  ALL play is done sitting down here. The kids are not allowed to play anything (other than a few exceptions) standing up.

                  Block play as well as cars/trucks are done on their bottoms with ONE hand only.

                  I also set up my environment so there are NO straight lines/paths that seem to encourage and/or promote running.

                  I also have small group play (meaning NO more than 3 children in a group at any one time) and only have ONE large group playtime scheduled.

                  Really cuts down on the craziness.

                  I also "know" which kids don't play well* (calmly) with certain other kids and I avoid placing them in the same group on purpose.


                  • #10
                    Oh, I nip it in the bud as soon as I see them getting wound up. No running, jumping, yelling, etc inside. We do have music & movement time inside if the weather is bad. Dancing and playing marching band (they LOVE this). After having a DCG hit her head while being rambunctious and getting a pretty bad goose-egg, I stopped all inappropriate behavior. We even play blocks on a table so no one trips over them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                      ALL play is done sitting down here. The kids are not allowed to play anything (other than a few exceptions) standing up.

                      Block play as well as cars/trucks are done on their bottoms with ONE hand only.

                      I also set up my environment so there are NO straight lines/paths that seem to encourage and/or promote running.

                      I also have small group play (meaning NO more than 3 children in a group at any one time) and only have ONE large group playtime scheduled.

                      Really cuts down on the craziness.

                      I also "know" which kids don't play well* (calmly) with certain other kids and I avoid placing them in the same group on purpose.
                      Great ideas. My group gets very rowdy and I feel as though I am constantly on them and reminding them of the rules. I am going change up some of my room and implement some new rules in hopes of cutting down the wildness.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by blandino View Post
                        We don't run or yell inside. Sometimes if the play gets too "rough", they have to sit down and play.
                        We take 18 mo and up- this is what we do too!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                          Great ideas. My group gets very rowdy and I feel as though I am constantly on them and reminding them of the rules. I am going change up some of my room and implement some new rules in hopes of cutting down the wildness.
                          NannyDe has some great youtube videos showing how to do floor play.

