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Permission Slip for Driving the Kids?

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  • Permission Slip for Driving the Kids?

    So, my husband and I took a dent in our bank account...and bought an Expedition for me to use with the kids Can anyone share their permission slip wording/part of the contract that you had the parents sign for you to drive them? Thanks!

  • #2
    Okay here's mine. I'm curious to see everybody elses if they use them too.

    Excursion & Transportation Consent

    I, _________________________, the parent/guardian, hereby give permission to [Provider's Name] of [Daycare Name] for my child _________________________ for the following:

    � To participate in excursions not involving transportation such as (but not limited to) walks in the neighborhood, walks to the playground, pools, parks and libraries.

    � To participate in excursions involving public or private transportation to locations such as (but not limited to) libraries, parks, pools, schools, playgrounds, museums and pet stores.

    � I DO NOT give consent for my child to participate in excursions not involving transportation.

    � I DO NOT give consent for my child to participate in excursions involving public or private transportation.

    I understand that if consent is not given that my child will not be able to attend child care on any days that involve excursions and/or transportation and that it is my sole responsibility to provide and pay for alternative care for my child and that I will still be expected to pay [Daycare Name] for these days missed. This form is valid from the above mentioned date until the date of termination.

    Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________ Date: _____________
    Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________ Date: _____________

    I, [Provider's Name], the provider for the above mentioned child will transport the child to special trips. I will use safety seats/devices necessary and good judgment. This form is valid from the above mentioned date until termination.

    Provider signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________


    • #3
      MarinaVanessa, that's great. Do you mind if I borrow that?


      • #4
        i dont have mine on this computer but i did use one from and reworded for my daycare.


        • #5
          In MI we have to have a permission slip signed each time we go out, unless it is a regularly scheduled thing (school, weekly story hour...)
          The only thing I have to have on it is something like this

          Today oo/oo/oooo we are going to the pumpkin patch. We will be leaving at 10:00. Please sign giving permission for your child to be transported in my vehicle.

          I have a blank for each family to sign. Very simple, but it was approved by licensing, so it's good for me!


          • #6
            Don't mind if you use it all. It's so handy to be able to use a waiver. Most familes are fine with me transporting their kids but you eventually get one that's not so sure about it. The bottom part reassures those that I won't drive like a bat out of hell or let the kids climb all over the car unfastened . Apparently this is a common concern that parents share (it's common sense to me though :

            **Added later: Just wanted to post a note that mine is general and doesn't have specific dates and such because we are generally out in the neighborhood a lot. We go on walks, drive to parks etc. on a regular basis so for me it's just easier to have them all sign one waiver and then just verbally tell them what our trips for the week will look like. If I had them sign a waiver or permission slip for each time that we went out I'd have them signing 3 slips minimum per day . Not kidding. I find that this works better for me and for the parents.
            Last edited by MarinaVanessa; 10-12-2010, 10:56 AM. Reason: To add info


            • #7
              Permission slip

              Here's mine. It's kinda big and wordy because I work at a center, but it indemnifies us of liabilities and covers our butz, so to speak. Feel free to use any of it to beef yours up.

              ______ SCHOOL

              The undersigned hereby requests and gives permission to take _________________________ on any Summer Camp outings as scheduled. With this signed agreement I (we) absolve the daycare staff, teacher, and _____ School of any responsibility for the safety, welfare, health, and well being of the above named child, beyond such matters as may be called reasonable care for children in the custody of daycare staff and subject to daycare staff’s clear instructions. I (we) assume personally and exclusively all responsibility and liability for accident, injury, etc. which occurs beyond those areas covered by the school Student Accident Insurance policy, which may occur to the above named child during the time of the camp activities as set forth at the beginning of the paragraph.

              This consent slip shall cover all activities throughout Summer 2010.

              Transportation will be by chartered bus, private car, or walking.
              If by private car, I am able to drive:

              YES NO
              Chaperones must have a recent
              LiveScan fingerprint on record-
              Please see Ms Nikki if you are interested in volunteering.

              Please refer to: IMPORTANT FIELD TRIP REMINDERS in the Summer Camp Policy Handbook for field trip guidelines.

              I have listed my child(ren)’s activity limitations on the ability form included in the registration packet. (swimming, strenuous activities, allergies, health, etc.)

              Parent/ Guardian signature:_____________________ Date:__/__/__


