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Hourly or Part Time Rate?

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  • Hourly or Part Time Rate?

    I have a potential family that only wants 8 hours of care for one baby, spread over 3 days. How much would you charge for this? It'd only be a couple of hours each day, so very, very part time. Taking my daily rate and breaking it down hourly would make it only $30 per week, which isn't really worth the trouble, but would charging more be appropriate?

  • #2
    Currently I offer either full time all day-or full time half day.
    In the past when I have offered such a limited number of hours I have charged minimum wage. now days I am full with a waiting list so it sounds snotty to say but you can't walk in my doors for less than $27 a half day rate.
    it isn't just the hours the baby is there it is having one extra set of parents to deal with....that didn't come out sounding very nice.....but I bet you know what I mean....


    • #3
      I charge $5 an hour for drop-in but you have to think about what times they want to do childcare. If it's right smack in the middle of the day for example, it would make it very difficult to find a client that needed care before those hours or after those hours only (assuming you were full). If you were lucky enough to find a family or two that could come before or after this family you'd for sure end up with a bunch of PT's. I guess what I'm trying to to say is that (if you are full) and this family wants care for only a few hours in the middle of your day then they'd pretty much be taking up an entire slot even though they are only there PT.

      You could just do what I do and charge them as drop-ins and charge an hourly rate with a certain minimum amount to make it worth it to you and with the understanding that if you found someone to fill the spot then you would do so. If you aren't full and could use the income then why not do it? Of course it would have to be worth it to you. Then if it didn't work out for you and you just didn't like it or you found a client that needed more hours than they did (meaning more income for you) you could just end the care.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Live and Learn View Post
        Currently I offer either full time all day-or full time half day.
        In the past when I have offered such a limited number of hours I have charged minimum wage. now days I am full with a waiting list so it sounds snotty to say but you can't walk in my doors for less than $27 a half day rate.
        it isn't just the hours the baby is there it is having one extra set of parents to deal with....that didn't come out sounding very nice.....but I bet you know what I mean....
        THis is very true!! You have to make it worth while for yourself!! I only do a min. of 3 full days now!!


        • #5
          I have 2 rates. Daily $35, afterschool kids, $15. If I were you, I would charge the $15 per day rate IF it is 3 hrs or less. If It goes over 3 hrs, then it's $35. She is chewing up your spot no matter what. I have one parent that comes 4 hrs a day, and they pay the $35 daily rate. remember, you are not charging for the amount of time the child is spending in your care, you are charging for the spot. If they like you, trust you, they will have no problem paying your rate. Some parents really do appreciate the fact that their child is in good hands, and will be priceless to them!


          • #6
            i have 2 flat is fulltime ($20 per day per child NO discounts) and a daily/drop in of $25 per child...i dont do hourly, too much hassle and parents saying, well its only 5mins into the hour why u charging me for it...blah

