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Knock Knock..****les Still Haven't Changed

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  • Knock Knock..****les Still Haven't Changed

    I have done daycare for my Sister In Law for almost 2 years with the same rules....this morning she tells me she's off on vacation for a week starting Oct. 22nd. and how do I want to work that? She said she could bring him by or whatever, it's up to me. Well, I have always charged if the child is here or not unless I am the one that calls off or takes vacation....she is allowed only 1 non paid day in a week.

    So why does she feel she needs to ask how I want to work that? Do some think I'm going to be soft and say "ah, don't worry about it". Ok, maybe in the past LONG ago, before I had 4 kids and didn't rely so heavily on my income, but my rules have been this way since I started doing daycare 3 years ago.

    I suppose this argument could go either way, but if I had a week off from a full time job (he's here EVERY day from 7a.m.-5pm), I would want to spend time with my child that week, even if I had to pay for the week of childcare, I would keep my child with me. But that's just me...some would rather not be burdened by their child I guess @@.

    That is one of my pet peeves, yes I know I charge either way, but it drives me mad when a parent brings their kid to care when they are home all day.

  • #2
    i feel your frustration! i use to charge all the high fees, vacations,etc...but since starting back up 2yrs ago i changed things. i use to hate when they would come and dcp's were sleeping, getting groceries,etc...i know they pay for it but i always try to remind how important family is . works sometimes


    • #3
      In those cases, I always tell myself that the child is better off hanging out with me, than being ignored by parents at home.


      • #4
        if you feel so strongly about kids staying with their parents when they're on vacation then it doesn't make sense that you charge the regular rate and get upset when they bring them.

        i always allowed one week unpaid per year. the daycare my kids went to charged 1/2 price if they didn't come all week - no matter how many weeks it was. that's an incentive. i know if i was paying full price, i'd use some of the time to run errands or go to appointments. it works both ways - you don't think the kid should come when they aren't working, and they don't think you should get paid full price for not working at all.


        • #5
          Originally posted by My4SunshineGirlsNY View Post

          That is one of my pet peeves, yes I know I charge either way, but it drives me mad when a parent brings their kid to care when they are home all day.
          ME TOO!!!!!!! Drives me batty!! I have one family (7 yr old boy and 2 yr old girl) whose dad has every other Friday off, yet they NEVER stay with him. EVER. Often mom stays home or only goes to the office for half a day (she tells me so I will know where to call her if needed), yet she still drops off at 7:30 and still picks up at 5:30.

          I gripe to my husband about it and he agrees, but reminds me that they're paying me even if the kids aren't here, so they're getting their money's worth. I do totally agree with that, and it really shouldn't bother me, but doggone it, it does. They are my last to leave by 20-30 min, and she knows this. Why can she not pick them up even 15 min early if she has the day off??? That would mean the world to me.

          But the bigger issue is, do they not want to spend time with their kids? She has told me they are put to bed by 7:30 most nights, so by the time she gets them home, she has about 90 min to get dinner cooked, get them fed, bathed, in their pj's, and they're down. Oy.


          • #6
            Originally posted by My4SunshineGirlsNY View Post
            That is one of my pet peeves, yes I know I charge either way, but it drives me mad when a parent brings their kid to care when they are home all day.
            I totally agree! As a parent I understand the need to have a break every once in a while - I certainly don't begrudge people that. However, when it's ALL the time it makes me crazy! I had a mom like that, dad dropped dcg off at 7am and picked her up at 5:30pm - even though mom got off at 3:30 EVERY DAY. What is wrong with people?!?!? It got to me after a while and after a few snarky comments from mom and they got the boot. Love the families I have now!
            Last edited by Michael; 10-12-2010, 06:59 AM.


            • #7
              okay, totally off topic here, but it's bugging me...what was the title that got part of it ***'d out?
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                okay, totally off topic here, but it's bugging me...what was the title that got part of it ***'d out?
                I am trying to figure that one out too so I can remove it from the banned words. Spell it L.I.K.E. this so it doesn't get banned again and I can read it.

