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Seen Any Craiglist PICS That Have Made You Cringe Lately?

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  • Seen Any Craiglist PICS That Have Made You Cringe Lately?

    Today I was looking thru some ads and found one that made me cringe. I know who the provider is although I would not consider her a friend. I have been a bit alarmed at her comments regarding some the families she works with.....LOTS of complaining and you can tell she hates doing daycare. I also had one of her former families switch to my daycare and another family that recently switched to another daycare in town so she has lots of turnover constantly.

    anyway, her new ad says she takes four kids, babies and toddlers only. the pics of her set up show at least 8 pieces of baby equipment...swings, bouncers, jumpers, exersaucers and that is just what I can see. There is very very little open floor space and very few toys. I think she just moves babies from equipment to equipment and that just makes me sad for those kids there. Her set up alarms me because it doesnt appear there is anything for the kids to do besides sit in a piece of equipment and just from what i know about her, it wouldnt surprise me if that is all she is doing with the kids and that is why she doesnt take anyone after they turn 2 (and dont fit in all that stuff anymore)

    right now I have three kids under 2 and I dont have any swings, bouncers, exersaucers or jumpers. I have a pack n play for each to nap in and high chairs for meals only. no other equipment necessary.

  • #2
    When I was a young naive parent, I asked my provider to use those types of things for my baby. I was more concerned about the baby getting trampled on the floor for tummy time, etc. I thought they would be safer in equipment. - yeah, not my brightest moments, I know; but maybe her clients are looking for this environment for their babies too?


    • #3
      I've seen a few that make me cringe!

      There's one in particular that is the opposite of the one you described, she has mounds and mounds of disorganised toys. There's literally one small path through the sea of toys for kids to navigate.

      And the "selfie" pictures drive me crazy! It's not facebook people! Its your advertisement for your business!


      • #4
        Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
        Today I was looking thru some ads and found one that made me cringe. I know who the provider is although I would not consider her a friend. I have been a bit alarmed at her comments regarding some the families she works with.....LOTS of complaining and you can tell she hates doing daycare. I also had one of her former families switch to my daycare and another family that recently switched to another daycare in town so she has lots of turnover constantly.

        anyway, her new ad says she takes four kids, babies and toddlers only. the pics of her set up show at least 8 pieces of baby equipment...swings, bouncers, jumpers, exersaucers and that is just what I can see. There is very very little open floor space and very few toys. I think she just moves babies from equipment to equipment and that just makes me sad for those kids there. Her set up alarms me because it doesnt appear there is anything for the kids to do besides sit in a piece of equipment and just from what i know about her, it wouldnt surprise me if that is all she is doing with the kids and that is why she doesnt take anyone after they turn 2 (and dont fit in all that stuff anymore)

        right now I have three kids under 2 and I dont have any swings, bouncers, exersaucers or jumpers. I have a pack n play for each to nap in and high chairs for meals only. no other equipment necessary.
        Okay, so I am somewhere in the middle. In our infant room we have 3 bumbos, two swings, and two exersaucers. We also have a ton of floor space, and spend a lot of time on boppies/tummy time/ floor time. However we do have a 3mo, 5mo, 7mo, 14mo, & 15 mo. Using the space, so that is the reason for That amount of equipment.

        I hope we don't look like that from the outside.


        • #5
          Your post got me looking at craiglist ads. Just found one that showed many pictures - one of the pictures is her assumed DD sitting on the kitchen counter stirring a boiling pot of something on the stove. She had another picture with her huge inflatable pool in the background of a photo of a toddler riding a foot powered bike. (She claimed to be state licensed and having a pool without a fence is not allowed - or it must be emptied every single day) Her other picture showed a couple dirty children eating fruit loops next to uncovered outlets. She also claimed to be on the food program. - I didn't see components claimable on the food program.

          Kinda scary what our "competition" is doing, isn't it!?!


          • #6
            Originally posted by blandino View Post
            Okay, so I am somewhere in the middle. In our infant room we have 3 bumbos, two swings, and two exersaucers. We also have a ton of floor space, and spend a lot of time on boppies/tummy time/ floor time. However we do have a 3mo, 5mo, 7mo, 14mo, & 15 mo. Using the space, so that is the reason for That amount of equipment.

            I hope we don't look like that from the outside.
            I wouldnt think its the same thing at all because like you said, you have more floor space and less equipment AND more babies! this picture was literally baby equipment from wall to wall, there wasnt a clear walkway although she must have some system to be able to get into that room LOL


            • #7
              well I have a few pieces of equipment and I only take one infant so maybe I look like that too, but I need to put the baby down sometimes and like to have more than one option on that.

              No pics on any ads but I just looked up daycare in my area and there was an ad that said "looking for cheap daycare" so I had to open it. She wants daycare for 3 kids for $20/day (total). Going rate in our area is $40+ day for EACH child. Wonder if she got any takers on that one??


              • #8
                there's one I see from time to time--bright, primary colored walls and floors with bright posters of cartoon characters all over the walls, toys with nothign but characters from wall to wall....that one ad just makes me feel ADHD just looking at it.

                Ads with visibly more kids than is allowed in our state

                oh, and the photos with the provider looking sexy, or dressed for a night out, or not smiling, etc...those confuse me too.
                Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                • #9
                  There are some crazy people out there! I'm in the middle on this one. I have 1 exersaucer and 2 space saving high chairs. High chairs are only used at meal times. I believe babies should be on the floor moving and playing! Not stuck in one place all day! I use the exersaucer for one purpose, using the restroom! While my house is completely baby proofed! Accidents do happen, like an older child running into the baby. I don't think disorganized toys means they are a bad provider. We have so many toys! I used to keep them organized, toy food goes in this bucket, doll clothes in this bucket exc. I felt like I spent more time putting the toys back in the right place than playing with the kids! Now when it's time to clean up we just put toys away in the toy boxes, buckets, cubbies exc exc.


                  • #10
                    I was curious so I looked! There were a few pictures that were horrible! First picture, a rabbit cage on the floor with hay all over the floor and the cage covered in poo. Next picture a toaster oven on the FLOOR plugged in with young children around. Another picture of a piano in the middle of the room with a ton of cords exposed! Aaahhhh! This is why I don't usually look at the child are section!


                    • #11
                      My room is infants starting when they get around a little. I have a jumperoo in my room. I primarily use it to contain a little boy with a biting problem whenever I am unable to shadow him because I'm doing diapers or the like. The young infant room at my center is full of equipment and the lead teacher loves to use them. I rarely see kids on the floor and many of the kids become swing addicted.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by blandino View Post
                        Okay, so I am somewhere in the middle. In our infant room we have 3 bumbos, two swings, and two exersaucers. We also have a ton of floor space, and spend a lot of time on boppies/tummy time/ floor time. However we do have a 3mo, 5mo, 7mo, 14mo, & 15 mo. Using the space, so that is the reason for That amount of equipment.

                        I hope we don't look like that from the outside.
                        Same here. Well I have all kinds of equipment but it is in the garage. I just bring out what I need which right now is only one exersaucer (as I only have one who can't walk right now). I use swings also. I don't know why equipment is so bad. I guess it is the new thinking.

                        Like you, I don't overuse it. Mostly my baby is on the floor but sometimes I like a break from not having to chase after him. It is also nice when you want to do something with the older ones without the baby trying to eat their puzzle piece or something. ::

                        When I put an ad on Craigslist, I don't put any pictures. I wouldn't even know how.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Laurel View Post
                          Same here. Well I have all kinds of equipment but it is in the garage. I just bring out what I need which right now is only one exersaucer (as I only have one who can't walk right now). I use swings also. I don't know why equipment is so bad. I guess it is the new thinking.

                          Like you, I don't overuse it. Mostly my baby is on the floor but sometimes I like a break from not having to chase after him. It is also nice when you want to do something with the older ones without the baby trying to eat their puzzle piece or something. ::

                          When I put an ad on Craigslist, I don't put any pictures. I wouldn't even know how.

                          I didnt mean to imply that all equipment is bad. I dont think that at all. but when she says in the ad that she only takes 4 kids but has 8 pieces of equipment in the pictures and no open floor space, wouldnt you agree that the picture alone is a bit of a red flag for parents? and that number does not include high chairs for meals, another time when kids are put in equipment. plus combine that with what I already know about her (that she complains about the parents and kids A fact I have never heard her say anything positive about daycare, she is my neighbor for clarification), that all combined is what made me cringe when I finally saw pics of the indoor daycare space.


                          • #14
                            I just saw a pic of an "in home family oriented childcare facility" with 11 kids on the floor all around a bucket of candy putting candy in their mouths. Where I am, 11 would be well beyond the max, unless it's a "center in a residence" and obviously I don't know the details about this one. But really, a picture of kids stuffing their faces with candy was the best idea they had? :confused:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                              there's one I see from time to time--bright, primary colored walls and floors with bright posters of cartoon characters all over the walls, toys with nothign but characters from wall to wall....that one ad just makes me feel ADHD just looking at it.

                              Ads with visibly more kids than is allowed in our state

                              oh, and the photos with the provider looking sexy, or dressed for a night out, or not smiling, etc...those confuse me too.
                              I.hate.characters. And primary colors. At my old job, the director would just buy whatever paint was on clearance...we had one room that was painted: lavender, forest green, burgundy, orange, dark yellow and red. It was so ugly it made you want to puke.

                              People have no clue.

