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  • Furniture

    do you let your dck's on your furniture?? i have always allowed so long as they sit right and no shoes. however i have a new 18m old and he is a monster on the couch. jumps, stands, matter what i do he keeps getting back on...any advice?

    if kids arent allowed on how do u implement that? my living room is my daycare area so its in here..

  • #2
    Of course my dc kids are allowed on my furniture! But only if they behave appropriately. On the sofa, sitting nicely - no jumping, bouncing or shoes on any furniture. If they choose not to follow the rules, then they have to sit on the floor for the remainder of the day - and try again tomorrow.
    On the occasion that I've had a parent question why their child isn't being allowed on the furniture, I explain my expectations and rules, and how "I'm sure" that when their child goes to grandma's house, grandma will appreciate proper respect and behavior on her furniture That seems to help some parents understand


    • #3
      My almost 2 year old daycare boy is like this, bounces and jumps off my couch all the time. He gets a time out for it each and every time. I allow my daycare kids on the furniture but if they are bouncing and jumping off, it's a time out.


      • #4
        i dont have any furniture in my DC room, but the school agers hang out in the living room when there's no school. they are worse then the toddlers... i'm constantly telling them to sit down the right way, to stop jumping, etc. they think the recliner is their personal carnival ride. i ask them if they are allowed to act like that at home and they tell me "yes" i make them sit on the floor when they act up and they hate it. next step is to make them stay in the DC room with the little kids. i dont know whats up with kids these days, but they think they are entitled to be animals in my home, and touch EVERYTHING that is not DC related. i realize that i choose to do daycare in my home, but come on. they dont have any business touching picture frames, decorations, etc. when i was a kid, i would NEVER think to touch anything in someone else's home.


        • #5
          Absolutely not! I tried it. I thought that I could "teach" them to respect my things, but apparently they can't be taught - at least not when they are allowed to do it everywhere else. I started out letting them, and if they abused that privilege then they lost furniture for the day. Since ALL of them would lose furniture within the first hour (or sooner) of being here for weeks at a time, I just decided not to make it an issue and now no one is allowed on furniture - with the only exception being if they are sitting on someone's lap. Apparently I couldn't teach them to respect my furniture, but they ALL remember that no one is allowed on the furniture and they don't even try.


          • #6
            When they are young no they can not sit on furniture. When they are 2 or older & I feel they can sit properly then I allow it if they do not sit right then I revoke their privileged. All I do is tell them no more furniture & that is it they do not climb on it.


            • #7
              They arent allowed on my furniture unless they are sitting nicely. Once they start standing on it or jumping on it or whatever - they are told to get off and reminded of the rules. I had my furniture moved out once when I Was getting my carpets cleaned and I LOVED it..If I could I'd remove it all and not have any !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pammie View Post
                Of course my dc kids are allowed on my furniture! But only if they behave appropriately. On the sofa, sitting nicely - no jumping, bouncing or shoes on any furniture. If they choose not to follow the rules, then they have to sit on the floor for the remainder of the day - and try again tomorrow.
                Exactly what I do to. Everyday we start on a clean slate. It's funny to see when the child uses the furniture properly until the second that mom or dad show up ... then all of a sudden they're a bunch of jumping monkeys IN FRONT OF DCP's. Then I remind the child what the rules are AND remind the parents not to allow their children to do this on my furniture .


                • #9
                  we have a no toy on the couch rule,... and if they cant "get" on the couch, they cant sit on it. If they dont sit nicely they lost it for the day. Parent there or not,.. if they jump,.. they sit on the floor. in a time out. The parent has to wait for the childs timeout. it usually takes once,... and botht he parent and the child know Im not playing, it isnt cute and they will behave even when mom is standing right there,...


                  • #10
                    I have a couch that I allow the kids to jump off of but not jump on. I just remind them to not jump when I catch one doing so. I let them stand on it to look out the window and jump off. If they can get on the couch then them can sit on it, stand on it, slide off, or jump off. If I have to remind them 3 times in one day or they fight over spots on the couch even once then it's off limits the rest of the day.
                    Celebrate! ::


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by View Post
                      it isnt cute and they will behave even when mom is standing right there,...
                      No, it isn't cute at all. Especially when mom is standing right there . What gets me is that the certain DCK's know that as soon as mom arrives mom won't say no. I find it incredibly unbelievable that any parent would allow their child to jump on someone elses furniture. If the DC provider allows it then that's another thing but if there's a rule and the parent knows and has been told repeatedly then it just gets my goat.

                      None of the kids here are allowed to stand, jump on or off or play with toys on the couch. One warning is enough, then you lose couch priveleges. We also have a rule that only one person is allowed per cushion and once you get up and off of the couch that spot is free. It keeps them from crying out "[DCK] is touching meeeee!" The no toy rule is pretty much because I got tired of having to move my very heavy couch or dig through the cushions to retrieve all of the toys that it swallows. Now that I'm pregnant and unable to do go fishing for toys it's even more important, otherwise if anything gets stuck in there it's stays in there ::.


                      • #12
                        If they can get up on the couch they can sit on it, however they have to sit appropriately on the couch, 2 warnings and they have to sit on the floor the rest of the day.


                        • #13
                          I used to allow it just because I felt like an ogre telling parents and kids they can't sit on my furniture. I just bought a new home though and thank goodness there are two entrances. One to a livingroom and one to a family room. I turned the living room into daycare space next to a bedroom so there are two rooms and my living area is in the back of the home. My final straw was when i treated myself to $650 micro fiber coach in January. I kid you not, by the end of summer the frame was completey shot and needed to be placed up against a wall.

                          I don't understand parents these days. I would be so beyond mortified if my child walked into someones house and started jumping or rolling over furniture. And what the heck is wrong with these kids that think they can just open up your drawers and take what they feel like???? I'm sorry but duh, they are in a CLOSED drawer for a reason! I especially love when they go into my drawers, find money and have the nerve to ask if they can keep it since they found it. Some days I wish I could put a mouse trap in there ::::


                          • #14
                            unfortunately, many kids these days are not taught respect for other people's property. The whole reason I don't allow children on the furniture is because none of them can use it properly! I had a 3 1/2 year old jump on my couch - not on just one occasion, but continually! He was using it like a trampoline!!
                            Even my own grand-daughter, who is 2 1/2 cannot sit properly on the couch. She's getting better, as she is understanding how to behave at grandma's, but it's obvious that she's allowed to jump on the furniture at home (which is surprising, since she lives with mom at her other grandma's house, and I just can't see other grandma allowing that either!). It's very sad. When my kids were little, I never even sat down at someone else's house - always ready to distract/divert my kids if they even thought of doing something wrong in someone else's home!


                            • #15
                              I don't actually have a no furniture policy, but, 99% of the time the kids just sit/play on the floor, or at the tables/chairs. The other 1% of the time, they usually get removed for some reason. Kids are walls, woodwork and carpet all show signs of abuse by the dck.

