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Licensed or Not?

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  • Licensed or Not?

    just curious...

    I'm proud to say i'm NOT ... dont have to be here in VA as long as you stay at 5 or less...all my parents could care less as its only a paper to them, as lots of licensed ppl are all over the news anyhow..

    so i'm just curious since everyone always says 'its against regulations' and the like...

    i do however try to stay w/in guidelines of course for safety but IMO its just common sense on how to watch children.

  • #2
    Where I live the following are excluded from licensure requirements:

    A. day care provided by a relative to only related children; or

    B. day care provided to children from a single, unrelated family, for any length of time; or

    C. day care provided for a cumulative total of less than 30 days in any 12-month period

    If you don't fall under one of those categories, you MUST have a license.


    • #3
      Nope, nor will I ever. Nothing against those who are, but it isn't for me, for reasons I've explained on this forum before. I only have SA's, and am within the limit for my state.


      • #4
        I'm sorry to say I am. It's illegal here to watch more than 2 children without being registered or licensed. If I had a choice I never would have gone through the process but who can make a living off of 2 children!

        People around her are nasty and they turn you in for not being registered or licensed and its a $500 fine per day/per kid.


        • #5
          I am proud to say I am,.. Have been forever. Its not for everyone but in order for me to make the money I need to I have to be. I ran with it. Im involved with all state and fedral programs related to childcare that I can be. I am going for national accreditation at this time. Hopefully by Christmas!. Its not for everyone but it is for me.


          • #6
            I am licensed and have been since I started 18 years ago. The standards are not difficult to meet or maintain. Other than one PITA licensing rep who used to love to show up unannounced, I've had good experiences with the whole licensing process. The benefits, at least for me, outweigh the drawbacks.


            • #7
              I was licensed on MD because you have to be even to watch 1 child unrelated to you I had 7 daycare kids and 2 of my own I loved my licenses lady, liked the classes, but HATED the paper work and having such a big daycare was ALOT of work. I now live in NC and you can watch 2 children unrelated to you and thats just what I do I watch 2 kids and have 3 of my own and I love the small setting and hardly any paper work.


              • #8
                Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
                I am proud to say I am,.. Have been forever. Its not for everyone but in order for me to make the money I need to I have to be. I ran with it. Im involved with all state and fedral programs related to childcare that I can be. I am going for national accreditation at this time. Hopefully by Christmas!. Its not for everyone but it is for me.
                Congrats for putting forth the effort to become accredited. I did in 2000 and have had nothing but positive comments from parents. Anything we can do to ensure that we are putting our best professional foot forward is cause for celebration.
                I am NOT dissing anyone who is not licensed or people who choose not to be, but in my state we are severely limited if we aren't licensed. I have to admit that before I earned my CDA and became accredited, I didn't care one way or another. After I did, I can't believe how much I learned and benefited from the knowledge.
                So congrats to you for going for national accreditation!!


                • #9
                  I am not. I live in VA, too, so I chose not to go through it. I have never had a problem getting kids without a license, and since we can keep 5 without a license, I haven't needed to.


                  • #10
                    I am because it's required. I hate that the state can pop in unannounced. They did just the other day during the time when I would be picking up the kids at the bus stop. Just very inconvenient.


                    • #11
                      thanks!!! I am so excited!!!! My parents are on board, and if they decide its not for them my waiting list is growing by the day. I have learned so much in my cda class, so many things that I wish I had known 20 years ago. . I dont think its for everyone,.. but me personally,.. I love the way I "FEEL" inside. you know?

                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                      Congrats for putting forth the effort to become accredited. I did in 2000 and have had nothing but positive comments from parents. Anything we can do to ensure that we are putting our best professional foot forward is cause for celebration.
                      I am NOT dissing anyone who is not licensed or people who choose not to be, but in my state we are severely limited if we aren't licensed. I have to admit that before I earned my CDA and became accredited, I didn't care one way or another. After I did, I can't believe how much I learned and benefited from the knowledge.
                      So congrats to you for going for national accreditation!!


                      • #12
                        I am licensed...but only because it is required. If I didnt have to be, I probably wouldnt be...although Im not sure if I could have sold my service being unlicensed..I interviewed while I was obtaining my license and all of the families I interviewed did not go with me - they werent comfortable that I did have that piece of paper in my hand yet. Once I got the paper - bam bam bam bam bam - all families I interviewed signed on.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by PAMommy1228 View Post
                          I am because it's required. I hate that the state can pop in unannounced. They did just the other day during the time when I would be picking up the kids at the bus stop. Just very inconvenient.
                          I know, or they come during nap time and ring the doorbell, or get the dogs going, or they want to see the room where the little ones are napping which of course wakes them up. And meal times are a pain too.

                          I dont think they should come unannounced unless there is a complaint. If they scheduled the time, it would allow us to have help in here to take care of the children and finish what we were doing so I can show the workers around or get paperwork. If we had a friend over distracting our time they would have a fit but we can leave children alone in the room as long as it's because they want to see another part of the house.


                          • #14
                            Mine isnt that intrusive,... I continue with what Im doing and she goes about her business. If she has a question she asks, if she needs to go to another room, or peak into the nap area, its not closed off she can just poke her head in. Im not a guide Im a care provider and she is usually in and out in under 20 min. If she needs assistance she can wait on my free time. which is usually around 530 pm. .


                            • #15
                              nope and never will. too much of a hassle for me. i just babysit and play with the kids . i dont do taxes either so it works for me

