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Homeschooling and Daycare

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  • Homeschooling and Daycare

    How many of you homeschool your own children and provide daycare? My daughter is 5 and started school last week. Long story short, I was very unhappy about sending her to the school we were assigned to. We were denied open enrollment because they have a diversity plan. The school she is forced to go to is not the best for education. We have had 1 issue after another with the school since her first day. Yesterday they actually "misplaced" her! So since we can't switch to a different school, I want to home school. I know the laws are different from state to state. But if you could give me any info, advice or your experience that would be great!

  • #2
    we were unhappy with the school our kids attended so this year we are trying cyber school....the kids stay home but have live classes online


    • #3
      I've been homeschooling for a long time now. My oldest is a senior this year, and my youngest is first grade. And I've got more kiddos scattered through grades in-between.

      I always enjoy chatting about homeschooling, but I'm brand new to the world of child care, so I don't have great advice about integrating the two. I'm doing my very first interviews/tours tonight, so hopefully soon I'll be juggling child care and homeschooling.

      My usual advice for little ones is don't sweat it, but you're probably looking for more than that.

      But really, I tell my own kids that my educational philosophy is don't sweat it until high school, and then it's time to get really serious. We do plenty of learning before high school, pass all the tests required by the state and all that, we just don't let learning become a point of stress in our family.


      • #4
        This is our fourth year of homeschooling. I have a 1st and 3rd grader. My childcare/preschool has been open 5 years and I have 8 preschoolers between the ages of 2.6 and 5 years old. I will tell you that homeschooling and daycare CAN be done and work together quite beautifully. However, it is all about your attitude (as with most things in life ). I would agree with Acorn Mama that the younger they are the less you need to stress out about learning. But, with that said, I never want to be the cause of my children getting behind or not being prepared for their next stage of life so I am diligent in getting school work done daily.
        A few nuts and bolts that are helping this year run smoother than ever before:

        *Instead of letting my kids sleep in, I get them up about 7 AM and they get started on their morning routine (dressed/teeth/hair/breakfast etc).
        *I have a pocket chart for each of my own kids with all of their responsibilities for the day from morning to evening (about 8-10 cards each). As they complete a task for the day they flip the card over. I can do a quick check and see what still needs to be done.LOVE IT!! It is a LIFESAVER!
        *I do morning circle time and preschool activities FIRST. They are then satisfied and ready to play in learning centers. I also have peace in knowing that I have accomplished the preschool learning for the morning.
        *Next I alternate between my own kids on lessons and independent work while the little ones play. We wrap up about 11 AM and I start lunch, get cots out for nap, read a story etc... After the kids eat, go outside, and get to bed We finish up any other subjects (usually Science and Social Studies).
        *There will be awesome days and horrible days and lots of average...expect that and forge ahead.
        *Plan for breaks-- We school Mon-Thurs and take a break on Friday. It is much needed and the kids know that if they slack on their work through the week they WILL be schooling on Friday!

        If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!


        • #5
          More threads about homeschooling and daycare

          Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children


          • #6
            HSLDA can give you info on how to legally un-enroll your child so that you don't have a truancy issue and what you need to do for your state in order to homeschool. I think it is

            You can homeschool and do daycare. You have to use organization and time management, but it can be done. My daughter is using My Father's World curriculum for kindergarten, and it can be done during nap time. You do not HAVE to purchase a curriculum, as you can get plenty of ideas off of sites and pinterest, I just felt more comfortable with having a set curriculum.


            • #7
              Thank you all for the help!!! I am removing my child from the school immediately! The bus driver didn't drop off my daughter at her bus stop instead she dropped her off at the mall 3-4 blocks away and left her there. This mall is on one of the busiest streets. Thankfully I got her back unharmed physically but emotionally and mentally she is hurting.


              • #8
                Originally posted by lovemylife View Post
                The bus driver didn't drop off my daughter at her bus stop instead she dropped her off at the mall 3-4 blocks away and left her there.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lovemylife View Post
                  Thank you all for the help!!! I am removing my child from the school immediately! The bus driver didn't drop off my daughter at her bus stop instead she dropped her off at the mall 3-4 blocks away and left her there. This mall is on one of the busiest streets. Thankfully I got her back unharmed physically but emotionally and mentally she is hurting.
                  Oh HELL no! That school sounds worse than awful. Mama you are making the absolute right choice. And call some authorities. Raise a big mama bear stink about this. seriously. I dont' usually go in for "make a stink" but FREAKING way.

                  Depending on what "style" you want to go for, there are a lot of choices for homeschooling. Littler ones (pre readers mostly) need a lot more support from you so you might find yourself doing school in bits and pieces throughout the day, or mostly during nap. You can do school in the evening, finish up on the weekends, all kinds of stuff. You don't have to do a 9-3 kind of thing.

                  This takes some work due to broken links and stuff, but seems like a fantastic resource: I think they have kindy stuff...My sister and I are using a lot of plans from here this year.

                  Honestly for kindy you can also get one of those "complete curriculum!" workbook type things and work through that. Read, read, read, read, read to her. A lot of kindergarten stuff can be easily "winged" because it's easy, basic stuff.

                  You can also look into cyber school like others mentioned--k12 is a good one.

                  Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is supposed to be a great reading/phonics curriculum.

                  I'm in my first year homeschooling my DD (who is 5.5, supposed to be in kindy but tested into kindy last year and was NOT going to go to first grade in that school after I heard from other parents of bright children that they do not have the resources to meet the needs of the gifted kids). DD is independent and a strong reader and happy to work on her stuff near me while I do daycare. I help her understand what to do on a lesson and she does it, then I check it when she's done and help her. Anything more in depth gets saved for naptime. she does about two hours of a work a day, all told.
                  Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

