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  • Curriculum

    I am looking for a new cirruculum as I am dissatisfied with what we are using currently. My budget is very tight right now as I have lost 3 of my 5 children to kindergarten. Any suggestions would be great! Thank you!

  • #2
    Are you looking for something you can print yourself?

    If so, PM me (you'll have to register or log in first) and I will provide you with an entire curriculum for BOTH toddlers and preschoolers that is laid out month to month and VERY thorough.

    However, everything needs to be printed as the files are on-line. But once, you print the monthly things once, you can save them for use year after year.

    Otherwise, the only thing I can think of to suggest is either Google or Pinterest and LOTS of internet surfing.


    • #3
      What kind of curriculum are you looking for? My daycare is Reggio Emilia worksheets or anything. I pick a monthly theme and let the kids take it from there..
      For example, if we are talking about senses and a child starts talking about taste, I'll plan a couple activities around it.
      I also make sure that we do math, language and science activities.
      I have "goals" (what the children should be able to do by certain ages) that I make sure to include in the activities.
      I also keep portfolios for each child which include work samples, anecdotal notes, pictures, etc.


      • #4
        Black cat 31- I can't figure out how to PM! I'm new to the site. I would love to print it off. You could also email me.

        [email protected]



        • #5
          Originally posted by lovemylife View Post
          Black cat 31- I can't figure out how to PM! I'm new to the site. I would love to print it off. You could also email me.

          [email protected]

          I will e-mail the link to you.

          In the mean time, if you click on my user name, a drop down menu will appear. One of the choices will be "Send user a Private Message". Click that and it will bring you to the screen for typing your PM.

          Feel free to try it out and send me as many PM's as needed until you have it figured out.

          If you need any additional help, let me know and I will see what I can do.

          I will send you the link for the curriculum right now.


          • #6
            I just want to say that Blackcat's curriculum is wonderful. We start it next week, and it has certainly made my life easier!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              Are you looking for something you can print yourself?

              If so, PM me (you'll have to register or log in first) and I will provide you with an entire curriculum for BOTH toddlers and preschoolers that is laid out month to month and VERY thorough.

              However, everything needs to be printed as the files are on-line. But once, you print the monthly things once, you can save them for use year after year.

              Otherwise, the only thing I can think of to suggest is either Google or Pinterest and LOTS of internet surfing.
              I made my own curriculum adding together my own ideas, those of other curriculum and online material, do you mind if I take a look at your link too?


              • #8
                I have been wondering about curriculums also - is there one that is most recommended for 2 year olds?? I used to just plan my own but really don't have the after hours time for that anymore!


                • #9
                  Blackcat- any way I can get on the curriculum train?? :hug:

                  [email protected]


                  • #10
                    In my many years in the business, I've used all kinds of curriculum...Mother Goose Time, Funshine Express, Creative Curriculum...and I've also written my own (a lot of time!). Right now I'm trying something new...Gee Whiz Education. So far, so good...I like that it is cheap and covers all ages but it is all online and I do have to print. You might want to check out the Curriculum thread on this forum. I found it very helpful.

                    There are also a lot of resource good books out there but then you have to do your own planning. Pinterest is a great place to get quick ideas if you are looking for something specific.

                    Good luck!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Maria2013 View Post
                      I made my own curriculum adding together my own ideas, those of other curriculum and online material, do you mind if I take a look at your link too?
                      Originally posted by jessrlee View Post
                      Blackcat- any way I can get on the curriculum train?? :hug:

                      [email protected]
                      I sent you both a PM with the link

                      Let me know if you didn't get it or have trouble with it.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Blackcat!!!


                        • #13
                          Blackcat, would you be so kind to send me the link to your curriculum also? I'm having a hard time deciding what I want to do this fall. I'll have a cute little group of girls, ages 15 months-3.5 years.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            I sent you both a PM with the link

                            Let me know if you didn't get it or have trouble with it.
                            I see one pm I can only assume it's yours (haven't had many so far : I'll opened it and check it out tonight cause nap's about over

                            thank you so much:hug:


                            • #15
                              Blackcat, could I also take a peek too! I have children 3 and under and I do implement play based curriculum, but may look to add a little to it.

