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Holy Cow! I Have No Idea Where to Put Him!

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  • Holy Cow! I Have No Idea Where to Put Him!

    Between the almost 2 year old, and the 9 month old, they just won't sleep! They don't take a morning nap, and barely take an afternoon nap. At the most, 30 minutes each!!! UGH! I don't know what to do! I wish I had a room for each kid. Right now I have a 1 year old who is hard to get to sleep in my daughters room, a 2.5 year old in my son's bedroom, and the two bad sleepers in together in my room. I don't really know where else to put them. I have the older kids downstairs watching a video. I hate to put them in the living area because it is very bright in here and there are staggered pickups that I wouldn't want to wake the other kiddos up. I also have a large laundry room where I have the 6 month old colicky baby. Maybe I should put the 2 year old in with the 1 year old in my daughters room? Those two really need their own room. Maybe I should put the 2.5 year old and 1 year old in together since they are pretty good sleepers? Ugh! What do you all think??

  • #2
    same issue here...i put the good sleepers in my DS's room in pnp's together and one crappy sleeper in my DD's room and let her cry herself to sleep, usually takes 10mins and then shes terror child is in my room. he wont sleep but will lay quietly watching tv cuz i need my break from him....


    • #3
      I would try putting the good sleepers together so the ones who won't sleep can have their own rooms. At least if they don't sleep, or wake up way early, they won't wake anyone else up.

