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Crying After Nap

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  • Crying After Nap

    How do you deal with 3 year olds who cry when they wake up from nap so that they don't disrupt the other kids? My 2 new one's are not happy when they wake up. New dcg woke up old dcg with her crying (luckily old dcg fell back to sleep). Old dcg NEEDS her nap! DD is a crab because hearing others cry freaks her out. New dck are here only once a week, but I can't have naptime go like this every time! Any suggestions?

  • #2
    That is a tough one. I have a 3 year old in care who does that once in a while. Usually it is because he isn't fully awake yet. I try to spend a few minutes with him while rubbing his back and talking quietly with him. He either goes back to sleep or wakes up fully and does a quiet activity until the other kids wake up. Have you discussed this behavior with mom? It is so hard when one child wakes the rest of them.....


    • #3
      no advice but i cant wait to hear the suggestions as i need this help too :confused:


      • #4
        Do you know why she is crying? Is it just how she wakes up? Can you put her in a different room to sleep? Then sit with her until she wakes up completely? Maybe offer a drink or small snack right away? Do they have a lovey? Can you take them to a room with a tv and put on cartoons and let them lie and watch cartoons until the others are awake? Good luck! Sleep issues are the worst!!!


        • #5
          I can't sit and rub her back b/c DD and dcb are up before the others. Talked to dad at pick up and he said she does that at times and they just bribe her with a snack. That's not going to happen here. I'm hoping it's just an adjustment issue.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sahm2three View Post
            Do you know why she is crying? Is it just how she wakes up? Can you put her in a different room to sleep? Then sit with her until she wakes up completely? Maybe offer a drink or small snack right away? Do they have a lovey? Can you take them to a room with a tv and put on cartoons and let them lie and watch cartoons until the others are awake? Good luck! Sleep issues are the worst!!!
            I totally agree!! SLeep issues are the worst!!


            • #7
              I don't really have any advise because I have a almost 9 mo old dcb who cries after his nap for about 30 min, I can't set him down for anything. When he finally gets down he'll sparatically cry off and on the all the sudden snap out of it until his next nap, soooooo frustrating.


              • #8
                My second daughter did this when she was little...she would cry and cry for about 1/2 hour after her nap for no reason and finally just snap out of it. And she was a very easy going child, this was her only "glitch" I guess you could say.

                I can understand how this can be frustrating in a daycare setting. If the crying is waking the others up that are not finished napping, they can be cranky too.

                Can this child sleep in a different room so she doesn't wake the others? I have to put my 2 daycare boys in different rooms because I have tried them in the same room and they won't settle down even with me right there. The younger one is very hyper and won't settle which in turn gets my other DCB going.

