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Picky About Colors

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  • #16
    Everyone here has the same color everyday. They each have their own cup, plate, bowl, fork and spoon. That way there is no guessing and I don't get asked the whole day which cup is theirs. and we also use the "get what you get and don't throw a fit" for everything else!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Lil'DinoEggs View Post
      In the last month, a trend started where the kids are picky about colors. It is not consistent. Usually one child will ask for a specific color fork and they will all want it. The next meal, it is a completely different color but same issue. My options seem to be:

      *change everything to one color which wouldn't be too hard but would cost a little bit of money

      *teach them it doesn't matter and continue to give stuff out randomly with a few tears

      *take turns picking out a color

      Which one do you recommend or do you have another idea?
      I would try to stick to one color of things as much as possible and try to keep things a gender neutral color like white, green, black, and/or gray. I don't know what you mean by that would be expensive because lots of items come in one set of colors. But if for some reason you still can't do that, I would just tell them "you will get, what I give you and you will not complain about it" or have a rule about not requesting specific colors, those who do call out specific colors they want will NOT get the color they want and will have to deal with it anyway (if you know their favorite color and on a day they don't request it let them have it)- That would at least stop the requests.


      • #18
        Thank you for your responses.

        Each child has their own water cup, but milk/juice cups, silverware, and plates get jumbled. I have thought about separate colors but I have so many kids going in and out that it isn't possible. As far as cost, it isn't expensive, but I would have to spend money period because I have different colors and styles from buying things at sales, yard sales, etc.

        The conclusion is that I will tell the kids to tough it out for now. In reality, it is just one child who does this and it gets the others going. I will need to replace several items in the very close future; when I do, it will be all the same color or colorless.

        Thank you for your input.

