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Napping in This Room?? Pic

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  • Napping in This Room?? Pic

    So because of my wonderful city I only have use of my first floor for daycare. I have one small daycare room and the rest of the level is open (living room, kitchen, dining) with a bathroom and pantry off the kitchen.

    I have 6 kids and am about to increase to 8 in the next 2 weeks.

    2 of the kids are still in pnps the rest napmats. My daycare room is just too small for 8 kids especially w/ 2 being in pnps.

    And with my LR, DR, kitchen set-up I wouldn't be able to get any cleaning or any work done if I tried to move kids to the living area.

    I have started having my 12 month old dcg nap in our panty/laundry room just for her short morning nap but there is room in there for 2 pnps if I wanted to move the babies in there for nap.

    I know it seems a little weird I guess but the room is very big and it would just be nap and they would be in their pnps the entire time. And it's my only other option since I can't use any other area of our house.

    I sent a message to my rep asking her about it and she said she would "prefer" I not have them nap in there. She has never seem the room so I just sent her pics to see if she would change her mind.

    But if there aren't any rules against it I just don't know why she wouldln't be ok with it.

    What do you guys think of this space for just naptime pnps??

  • #2
    I don't see anything wrong with that area. It looks like it's a pretty descent size. I'd say as long as the door was kept open so you could easily peek in there it would be fine. Just make sure they can't reach anything around them.


    • #3
      I would say yes too-as long as the chemicals and such are moved off the shelves. In Maryland all chemicals and cleaners have to be locked up and not accesible at all. You could also get a small fan to use and that noise would prob help them sleep really well.


      • #4
        I think it'd be fine, but it's probably something that I would run by the parents.


        • #5
          ok, no offense intended,... Im a bit of a freak about organization. I dont know why,... I just am wired weird. I mean, my own pantry is so freakishly in order that I have size coordinated and alphabetized the thing, like with like, cans never are with boxes, . All labels facing out, its just not normal. so excuse me for all I suggest. Know it is out of care and wanting to help...I think using the room is a great idea,...

          but I would put all items in rubbermaid totes above the washer dryer, including any soaps or detergents in their own tote. I would hang the baby gate (two drywall screws mounted high close to the ceiling are easy to poke through the mesh of a gate to hang it at your head level. I would put your broom and swiffer on hooks or large drywall screws hanging horizontal behind your dryer washer. I would clear the bottom shelf of anything except for blankets or bedding. I would also make sure to get rid of the blind cord. either tie it up or shorten it. or best yet,.. get a roller shade. no hazzard with choking with those,.. or room darkening blinds. Also make sure the window wont open. You and everyone here knows that you will never let anything happen,.. but you and everyone here also knows Licensing is not about common sense. Its about rules and risks. Also, I would remove all cleaners and plastic bags from the room. Take the tp of the package, stack on shelf, remove the cleaners to another location. organize food away from cleaners, away from art supplies. you could also hang nice simple curtains in front of the shelves. go to the clearance section,... get some cheery dollar a yard fabric, get some iron on basting tape if you dont sew,... and some wooden dowels or cheap curtain rods. You could probably curtain the whole area for less than 25 bucks.

          just suggestions,.. if you make it look like a nap room,.. that happens to hold your laundry and toilet paper,.. its better than a pantry/laundry that holds your pnp's. =-)

          Im a clean freak though,.. hence the name laundryduchess,...


          • #6
            Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
            ok, no offense intended,... Im a bit of a freak about organization. I dont know why,... I just am wired weird. I mean, my own pantry is so freakishly in order that I have size coordinated and alphabetized the thing, like with like, cans never are with boxes, . All labels facing out, its just not normal. so excuse me for all I suggest. Know it is out of care and wanting to help...I think using the room is a great idea,...

            but I would put all items in rubbermaid totes above the washer dryer, including any soaps or detergents in their own tote. I would hang the baby gate (two drywall screws mounted high close to the ceiling are easy to poke through the mesh of a gate to hang it at your head level. I would put your broom and swiffer on hooks or large drywall screws hanging horizontal behind your dryer washer. I would clear the bottom shelf of anything except for blankets or bedding. I would also make sure to get rid of the blind cord. either tie it up or shorten it. or best yet,.. get a roller shade. no hazzard with choking with those,.. or room darkening blinds. Also make sure the window wont open. You and everyone here knows that you will never let anything happen,.. but you and everyone here also knows Licensing is not about common sense. Its about rules and risks. Also, I would remove all cleaners and plastic bags from the room. Take the tp of the package, stack on shelf, remove the cleaners to another location. organize food away from cleaners, away from art supplies. you could also hang nice simple curtains in front of the shelves. go to the clearance section,... get some cheery dollar a yard fabric, get some iron on basting tape if you dont sew,... and some wooden dowels or cheap curtain rods. You could probably curtain the whole area for less than 25 bucks.

            just suggestions,.. if you make it look like a nap room,.. that happens to hold your laundry and toilet paper,.. its better than a pantry/laundry that holds your pnp's. =-)

            Im a clean freak though,.. hence the name laundryduchess,...
            Thanks for all that info and definitely no offense taken. That room is definitely at it's worst right now and could use some organization. It's always crazy when I'm switching months. I'm going to definitely add the curtain in front of it and re-organize this evening.


            • #7
              I'd put everything even resembling a chemical on the high shelf above the washer and dryer, and relocate everything else to the top shelves.

              I actually like all of laundryduchess' suggestions - cheap and easy fixes to make the room dual purpose. I don't see anything at all wrong with using the room. Also, may I say that I am SO jealous of your laundry area! My washer and dryer are in a closet.


              • #8
                Im jealous too!!!!!!! mine is in the dingy basement with no natural light and its cold! . I swear, with 30 bucks and a nice long weekend you could change that room into a nap area that would never be confused with a storage area. also,.. you could look at the oops mixed the wrong color paint at the home improvement store and do a nice soothing tan or green? if you are adventurous. =-)be sure to send pics when you are done.

                Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
                I'd put everything even resembling a chemical on the high shelf above the washer and dryer, and relocate everything else to the top shelves.

                I actually like all of laundryduchess' suggestions - cheap and easy fixes to make the room dual purpose. I don't see anything at all wrong with using the room. Also, may I say that I am SO jealous of your laundry area! My washer and dryer are in a closet.


                • #9
                  I think it would be fine. As laundryduchess suggested, I would do a little sprucing up, making sure that nothing dangerous was in reach of the pnp occupants. I think once your rep sees the photos, she should be ok with it.

                  When my oldest was in daycare (23 years ago...) he slept in an unfinished master bathroom off the master bedroom of the provider. Her licensing worker was fine with it, I was fine with it. He was in the center of the room and couldn't reach anything.

                  My babies (three) nap in a storage room in my daycare. It's technically it's an unfinished bedroom in our lower level; the walls are covered with shelving to store daycare supplies, the floor has room sized remnant on the floor, the window even has blinds. Just needs sheetrock really. Three pnp's in the center of the room all the time. My licensing worker is the one who suggested it; she approves it every year and it doesn't bother the parents of the babies who sleep there. I works out ok, I guess, but it still bugs ME. Maybe someday my dh will get around to finishing it

                  So, imo your laundry room is waaaay nicer!


                  • #10
                    I agree with the launrdy duchesses, make it look inviting, color on the wall, some fun curtains, maybe a mat on the floor, or take the shelving down and buy a pantry unit that has doors on it (to hide things) if it looks kid friendly you shouldn't have any problems, I have curtains that cover my washer and dryer so you never see them (they are located in the toy room)


                    • #11
                      I also agree with Laundry duchess (But i'm a fellow neat freak here...). Make sure to take pics when your done. I think it's a great use of space.


                      • #12
                        I use my laundry room too for a sleeping room for my colicky baby. I turn the buzzer off of my dryer and turn it on to get him to sleep. It helps. Mine is about the same size yours is!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sahm2three View Post
                          I use my laundry room too for a sleeping room for my colicky baby. I turn the buzzer off of my dryer and turn it on to get him to sleep. It helps. Mine is about the same size yours is!
                          Yep the wash cycle is good for colicky babies. Worked for my son.


                          • #14
                            I did some work today to the room. My hubby helped to add the curtains, I cleaned the shelves off completely and re-organized. I'm going to paint the walls this weekend a nice light blue but for now just threw a few things up on the wall just in case I get a surprise visit between now and Saturday.

                            Thanks everyone for all the advice. I think it'll come together well and hopefully licensing will be ok with it.


                            • #15
                              Adorable! Love the curtains and pictures you put in there.

