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What's In a Name?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
    Cohen is the name. ::
    Very cute name...


    • #32
      I have 3 girls with the same name - 2 share the same middle name as well.
      Depending on the day, I've used Big S, Baby S and Baby Baby S.....Big S, Big Baby S and Little Baby S.....Big S, Medium S and Little S......S1, S2 and S3......I've also used their name with their last name initial. One of these days, something will stick. Often, I just say the name. The oldest has become adept at judging whether I'm talking to her or not based on what it is I'm saying. If she isn't sure, she will look up and if I'm not making eye contact with her, she ignores me.


      • #33
        Wow three cohen's ?? I've never even known a Cohen. Cool name though !!

        Al my dck have different names


        • #34
          We had two girls with not only the same name, but the same last initial. We ended up either using their first and full last name, or their first and middle names.


          • #35
            That really can be so confusing, even frustrating. I like the idea of letting the boys pick their own nicknames so they are happy when addressed to by those names. And then maybe do a sweet little party where they are introduced to the others with the new names of their choice. It would be fun and your problem solved.


            • #36
              We usually use 3 different methods with two kids with the same name say John.

              1. John and John A.
              2. John Apple and John Banana
              3. Last name-Apple and Banana


              • #37
                What's really fun is when you have a boy and a girl share the same name! :: One became girl C and the other buba (which was what his bro called him)

