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Those That Have A "Don't Touch The Baby" Rule

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  • #16
    I have this rule as well. Once I had a DCM of a 16 month old who was allowing her daughter to touch the baby & exersaucer at PU. I had to correct her, and I could tell she was put off. Then I rephrased it and said, "when your DD was 3 months old, would you have been comfortable with a 1 year old touching her ?". Which of course she would not have been. I also explain that I cannot have my eyes on everyone every minute of the day, and while a child may do a fine job of touching the baby supervised, it can become dangerous without a child realizing, so it is just much safer for babies and their things to be off limits all the time.


    • #17
      They didn't have that rule when I worked at my old job (the kids just couldn't hold the babies) but I always got anxious when kids got up in the babies face. I would tell parents just like you wouldn't want someone who you didn't know to touch your baby (or child) I won't allow anyone (except my assistant and family adult members of the child) hold or touch the babies (that includes other daycare children and parents). And yes I would be picky about kids touching babies because babies' immune systems aren't fully developed and older kids have lots of germs (my OCD kicking in). I normally don't mind a little dirt and stuff with older kids, but with babies, older people, or ill people I am super cautious. Plus, I wouldn't want that liability of if a child some how injured or got the baby seriously sick if it was a daycare baby and having to deal with a sick fussy baby all day and night if it was my own.
      Last edited by Starburst; 07-31-2013, 03:06 PM. Reason: Phone; typos


      • #18
        Same thing here! I just NEVER allowed it. That way there was no question of "Can I?" ever!


        • #19
          Thank you, ladies. This has all been very helpful!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            My parents are handed a list of 12 "house rules" at their interview. One of those rules is NO ONE but me touches the baby. EVER. I've had some jaws drop, but I explain to them that kids have a hard time deciding when it's OK and not to do something, so NEVER makes that easy for them. I need to protect the baby, and I can not hold him/her the entire day. So, if baby is in the bouncy chair on the kitchen floor while I'm making lunch, NO ONE touches him. If baby is in the bassinet while I change toddlers' diaper, NO ONE touches him. I've had kids try to shove a bottle into a sleeping baby's mouth, try to pick up the baby, etc. Kids go STRAIGHT to time out for touching baby OR baby's belongings. They are taught from day one that if baby tries to steal your toy, you let baby have it and come get me. There is NO NO NO touching.
            I'd Love to know what your 12 house rules are!


            • #21
              Definitely a no touching baby rule. I only have my 4 month old and the rest are over 2. The 2yo DCG is the one I have to keep an eye on with not touching her and then my new 6yo DCG is a mini mommy and always wants to help with her. Even though I would be okay with her helping, (she's like I was when I was her age with my siblings) I don't want the other DCKs thinking it's okay to touch.


              • #22
                I recently got a new baby, so before he started I started talking about the "baby rules" during group time, gave demonstrations using a doll and talk to parents about the rules so they could talk about them with kids at home. When baby finally started we kept going over rules and it has worked just fine. They know they need to ask before touching him and that baby has his own area, if they ask I let them be near the baby in the baby area but no more than 2 kids ta the same time.


                • #23
                  I have a no touching anyone rule. Too many times , it is mostly the older kids who want to "help" with their little baby brother or sister. Just no

