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How Often Do You Change Diapers?

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  • How Often Do You Change Diapers?

    I had a conversation with another DCP, and we were talking about diaper changes..have no idea how it led into that, but anyway I do mine about every 1 1/2 hr, and she does them every 45min-1 hr. I know alot depends on the ages, but what do you do? Just curious what the "norm"is, if there is one.

  • #2
    For my 3-hour preschool I change them just once, about 1-1/2 hours in (unless they're poopy of course). I couldn't imagine changing them every 45 minutes! That's all I'd be doing. And, honestly, if I was a parent in that program I would not be happy if my child went through 8 diapers (or more!) in an 8-hr day, too much waste.


    • #3
      I do mine about 4-6 changing diapers a day from 8am to 6pm.


      • #4
        I mostly do on an as needed basis because I have minimal children in diapers. I check about every 30 minutes unless I smell something funky. ;-)


        • #5
          i do them every 2 hrs. only cause this is what they did in the center i used to work in, so i thought that was the norm...

          of course, if they are poopy or more full then normal, i will do it more frequently.


          • #6
            About every two hours or so unless poopy. Works out right to be right around meals/snacks and nap schedule here.


            • #7
              About every two hours. I know when my daughter was in daycare they needed diapers from me ALLL the time and they are so expensive. they were changing her every hour. I don't think its going to hurt to change them every two hours..( unless poopy of course )


              • #8
                Originally posted by DCMom View Post
                About every two hours or so unless poopy. Works out right to be right around meals/snacks and nap schedule here.
                Same here. Before morning nap, after morning nap, before pm nap, after pm nap. Unless poopy. I've had these kids for a while now, and have pretty much figured out their "schedule"....

                I have one here who, unless poopy, doesn't ever need to be changed. Might be a little wet after pm nap, but that's it. No matter how much fluids I give him, he hardly ever wets!


                • #9
                  Yup I check about every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours here. I used to do it more often (check) and it says in my policy that kids will more likely go through more diapers here than at home but I had too many DCP's complain so I ask them how often they want me to check which is about every 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs.

                  Of course if it smells like there's a surprise for me in there then I change immediately.


                  • #10
                    I change whenever they are wet. I cant stand the thought of having them sit in it. it usually averages every hour to hour 1/2. but if I notice they are wet, I do change them.


                    • #11
                      Every two hours unless I smell something in-between, which isn't very often, interestingly. So, I do them at 9, 11, 1, 3, and 5. Not everyone is here at 9 or 5, and this nicely brackets naptimes and outside times. It works out perfectly for my group.
                      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                      • #12
                        At 8, 9, 10, 12:30, 3:00 and 5:30 -- unless they're stinky, of course! I do them all at the same time and they all sit on potties each time. My first dc child was in cloth diapers, and he tends to go ALOT in the morning. My schedule kind of built off of his schedule ::. I do go through a ton of diapers, but I've never had a parent complain. I did have a parent comment that her child's other daycare (she was going to mine and another one simultaneously) didn't change her often enough, so I felt like that was a vote of confidence in my favour .


                        • #13
                          Every two hours unless they are stinky.


                          • #14
                            When they are babies, quite often, But I think once they get over 18 months, they just don't go as much, so I pretty much go every 2 hours, or as needed with poop, my old daycare used to send my son home, loaded, and he would always reek of pee, used to make me so mad.


                            • #15
                              With kids in care from 8:30-6:00 I had scheduled changes at 10am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5:30pm. If I smelled poop in between those times I would change the guilty party.

