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Ever Had a Power Outage During DC?

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  • Ever Had a Power Outage During DC?

    My area is preparing to get hit with a storm tomorrow and we don't have the best luck with power outages during these things I was just thinking...what if the power goes out? I don't have anything in my contract about it. I can still watch the kids without power, but I guess we go to PBJ and water for lunch (since opening the fridge would be out). I was thinking maybe call the parents and just let them know it's out (not require them to get the kids) at least I give them the option of picking them up. Although, most live close by and their power will likely be out too. I'm interested to hear any thoughts. Thanks!

  • #2
    When I worked in centers we kept running the center as close to normal as possible. Like you said, do PBJ for lunch and just find things to do in the dark. The only time when we would call parents was if we could not regulate the temperature in the building and they needed to pick up.


    • #3
      As long as you don't have any regulations against keeping kids in the DC during outages then it should be okay I think. In CA I unfortunately have to close DC after so many hours of any outage whether it be water or power. I recently had a scheduled power outage for wire maintenence and was forced to close for the day but not all states are the same.


      • #4
        It's still warm enough in most areas not to need the heat on in the house but if you live in a hot climate it may not be safe to go without A/C. That would be my biggest concern. If that doesn't affect you then I'd go on about the day as usual and adapt as you need to, like you suggested for lunch.

        I was without water all day yesterday and am again today. I stayed open but I filled several buckets to help flush the toilet through the day and I always have plenty of drinking water between individual sized water bottles and a water cooler with a full jug and a spare. I had lots of hand sanitizer and filled one side of the kitchen sink for things like wetting a washcloth/dishcloth, etc. It was doable and not a big deal, even, except I had to pour water in the toilet to flush it once in awhile.
        Doing what I love and loving what I do.


        • #5
          I've never had an issue with power. I do have it in my policy that if I have any power or plumbing issues I will close. I did have a plumbing issue once & had to call parents to close early. The one DCD didnt get it that I could not change DCB before he left cuz I could not wash my hands.


          • #6
            I have done daycare during a power outage and we just made do with what we had! Actually a tornado went right over the house, didn't touch done, but the sirens and everything rang and I had all the kids downstairs! Lots of emotions were flowing and I was pretty nervous myself, but we all survived! Alot of the parents came early to pickup, but nothing happened and we were all safe, but one of the scariest things I have been through, with being responsible of so many littles at the time!


            • #7
              I would just adapt as you and previous posters have suggested and as long as it's not too hot or too cold inside, you can probably make do.

              My contract says:

              Power Outages
              There is a flashlight and battery-powered weather radio located in the playroom. If the power remains out for some time and the safety of the children is at risk, you will be called to pick up your child.


              • #8
                We had a really bad ice storm last yr. it had been icingfor about 6 hrs. in total, our power was off for about 5 hrs. of it. I then placed it in my contract about power outages, if the power remains off for some time, parents will be notified and needing picked up. It was really starting to get cold in the house!! Thank God it came back on when it did!!


                • #9
                  I have in my contract that if the power is out, creating a hazardous condition in the home, then I must close the daycare. I'm not sure how I will actually implement that--probably base it off of the outside temp, the conditions which caused the power to go out, and how long the electric company estimates that the power will remain off.
                  Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

