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May Have to Term The Baby

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  • May Have to Term The Baby

    I just don't think I can handle the colic for much longer. He is 5 months and I figure most cases of colic resolves within the first 6 months (although my own son had colic for his first year!). Really wish this family had clued me in in the first couple interviews! He doesn't sleep AND he is colicky! UGH! TGIF!

  • #2
    My colicky non-sleeper kept it up until she turned a year, now she's such a joy to have around, and sleeps for 3 hours in the afternoon! But it was a LONG year! You'll have to decide if it's worth it to you or not. If you can do w/o the money, or have someone else lined up to fill the spot, it just might help your sanity to let him go.


    • #3
      My son had colic too for the first 6 months - there is no way at all I could ever care for another baby with colic..I do not blame you at all to terminate.
      No one knows the hell a baby with colic can put you this day ( 3 yrs later ) I cannot handle when a baby/child even dog cries.

      Thankfully all my dck's , if they cry, its for a very short time. I can handle that but it still raises blood pressure


      • #4
        I was colic for 2 years and 30 years later, my mom still can't stand hearing a baby cry. I still have severe stomach issues but know that normally it goes away. Do what you have to for your sanity!!!


        • #5
          Have you tried special bottles that reduce colic? My daughter had extremely bad colic when she was a baby and after the ped. telling me that it was normal and there was nothing I could do about it I still tried everything I could think of, changing my diet, pills, drops etc. and nothing worked . I even tried different bottles and when I tried the Dr. Browns bottles I saw an immediate change the same day. If the parent's haven't tried it I would suggest it.

          I like the bottles so much that I just provide them myself at DC.


          • #6
            I was about to recommend Dr. Brown's bottles also. There are 5 parts to them and they take a little getting used to, but well worth it.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Joyce View Post
              I was about to recommend Dr. Brown's bottles also. There are 5 parts to them and they take a little getting used to, but well worth it.

              I would really like to know if this works for colic. I would definitely promote it on


              • #8
                Originally posted by Michael View Post
                I would really like to know if this works for colic. I would definitely promote it on
                In my experience, yes.


                • #9
                  I hate those bottles. I just sent a full bag of them home with DCM because there are too many parts for me to keep clean. I told her to send me playtex drop ins.

                  I have never had a colic baby though, and I breastfed my own children, so there is no harm in trying them to see if they help.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by thatgagirl View Post
                    I hate those bottles. I just sent a full bag of them home with DCM because there are too many parts for me to keep clean. I told her to send me playtex drop ins.

                    I have never had a colic baby though, and I breastfed my own children, so there is no harm in trying them to see if they help.
                    In my experience, I loved them. They have helped every colicky I have ever had in all my years.

                    Maybe your state is different but TX Minimum Standards state that we can not wash bottles etc. Of course it might be different for home centers.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post
                      In my experience, I loved them. They have helped every colicky I have ever had in all my years.

                      Maybe your state is different but TX Minimum Standards state that we can not wash bottles etc. Of course it might be different for home centers.
                      I'm sure it is different from a center and a home-based and probably also from state to state. I am a daycare-home and we have no guidelines either way for bottles so when I first started I just had the parent's leave bottles for their babies here so they wouldn't forget. Eventually I got some colicky babies and suggested the Dr Brown bottles and they worked very well in all cases. Yes they are more expensive than other bottles, yes they have more parts, yes they are harder to clean but they work very well. I changed my policies and instead of the parent's providing their own bottles I supply the bottles and guess what? All Dr Browns. Even the sippy-cups.

                      Not that you have to supply them, it was easy enough to have the parent's buy them and bring 2-3 bottles each day, use them and pack them up again and send them home. They can always just be rinsed and packed up and the parents can take them home and washed them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by thatgagirl View Post
                        I hate those bottles. I just sent a full bag of them home with DCM because there are too many parts for me to keep clean. I told her to send me playtex drop ins.

                        I have never had a colic baby though, and I breastfed my own children, so there is no harm in trying them to see if they help.
                        I have the parents bring 5 bottles per day. I use them, rinse them, and send them home for cleaning.

