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Anyone Ever Go Into Labor While Watching Kids?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
    Wouldn't it be pregnant therefore expecting?
    :: :: :: yep.... guess it HAS to work that way doesn't it?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      :: :: :: yep.... guess it HAS to work that way doesn't it?
      well, YEAH I expect lots of things but (thank the maker) am not always pregnant while doing so!
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #18
        Yes it happened to me. Not full blown labor, but the beginning stages. I was working at a center, luckily in the office, and I kept feeling what I thought were contractions. I called my doctor's office and they told me not to worry, that it was just Braxton Hicks contractions. Sure enough I went home and that night went into the hospital. Come to find out, I was having real contractions all day-although they weren't that bad at that time so I stayed at work.
        With my second child I also worked at a center. I felt little "gas pains" and went into work that day. I had an appointment that afternoon on my lunch break and sure enough the little "gas pains" were contractions. They said I could still work if I wanted to, but wanted me to get induced 2 days later because of low fluids-so I just left work and actually went in the hospital the day after.
        Like other pp's have said, It's your body, listen to it! You know when you are done! I know if my water had broke at work that I probably would have had both of my kids at work. They both came within 2 minutes of my water breaking!


        • #19
          Yes, was working at a center at the time. I was doing a bus run and started getting pains every couple minutes. My director could see it in my face as soon as I walked in the door. She told me to go lay down on the couch in the school room for a few minutes to see if it got better. Btw, I was convinced it was NOT labor pains because I was only 28 weeks I kept telling them "just another minute, it'll go away" and they said nope, called my husband, and told him to take me to the hospital. They ended up having to stop the contractions and told me that I needed to cut out some stress so they recommended I either go on early maternity leave or take a break from school and boy did I love that early maternity leave


          • #20
            I did. Was working right through labor and didn't even know it. Thought it was braxtons and just kept working. Finally at lunch I mentioned it to my husband and he told me to time.....4 min apart!:: I am lifting kids and climbing baby gates and didn't even know! I had my daughter about two hrs after arriving at the hospital!

            My friend was a kinder teacher....went into labor early and was on the school room floor when the ambulance arrived! I would say she wasn't prepared either!

            I say don't worry. Have a plan and just go with it. There is no way to predict what may or may not happen. You could go on the weekend or tomorrow or two weeks late! There is no way to be THAT prepared. Have people to call and it will be fine. No sense worrying about it.:hug:


            • #21
              I am due tomorrow. I have had several nights of contractions, that almost got to the point of going to the hospital. On Sunday night I was up with contractions every 5-7 minutes for nearly 2 hours - real ones, not BH. Then it stopped. Monday, I felt I may have had a very small leak of amniotic fluid, just drops when I sat down or changed position. Monday night went to bed, woke with wet underwear and a saturated pantyliner. There was no room in the Inn (at the hospital), so they asked me to stay home until labor actually started. It never did, I went in at 6am and they weren't able to detect any amniotic fluid, it had gone back to the very slow trickle I was experiencing on Monday. They sent me home, here I sit. They say I may have a tiny tear up high or baby's head is engaged.

              My original plan was to close for 1 week, to have the house to ourselves. Well, we already called off daycare for the rest of the week. My assistant will takeover starting Monday. I'll go in whenever it is determined to be time...

              Having a plan is always good, but knowing it will probably morph into something else is reality.
              MnMum married to DH 9 years
              Mum to Girl 21, Girl 18, Boy 14.5, Boy 11

