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She Keeps Getting Hurt. WWYD?

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  • She Keeps Getting Hurt. WWYD?

    Another post about 13month dcg.

    Day 8:

    This is the 3rd time she has hit her head. Last week, she crawled and fell into a door. Yesterday, she was holding onto a kids chair and let go and fell and bumped her head. Today, she was just crawling on the floor and face planted.

    Each time, she has gotten a small bruise. Each incident, she wasn't doing anything I would consider dangerous, but from the outside looking in, I'm sure it looks terrible. I've had kids here for years without a single injury, and she's had 3 in 8 days!

    I don't know what i should do. She's literally hurting herself by bumping into doors and floors. I could put her in an octagon and limit her space, but she will scream all day. I can't follow her around all day and catch her every time she starts to teeter. She is not walking yet.

    I just don't know what to do. I tell mom each time something happens, but really.... 3 times in 8 days? What else can I say?

  • #2
    it sounds like she bruises really easily. some kids are like that. i really wouldn't sweat it.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      My two twelve/thirteen month olds get bumps and bruises daily. It's normal for that age.

      When dropped off moms and dads tell me what new war wounds they've managed to acquire and at pick up I do the same.

      Unless parents of kiddo are making a big stink over it I wouldn't make a big deal about it.


      • #4
        One mom I had use to joke that it was the learning to walk perpetual bruise on the forehead! She even had a theory on the right or left handed by which side was bruised! It happens. I would say something to mom like "you do realize the next month is all bumps and bruises until she gets her sea legs! This is why their soft spot doesn't completely close until after they are walking!" That said I would try to keep her on softer surfaces... carpet, grass etc. My dd sliced her lip open when she was learning to walk.. 3 stitches, she lived. But it is amazing how some kids really are the ones that bang "all the time"! and they tend to stay that way.... yup my dd had her lip glued together at college this past year!


        • #5
          Good to know! I was feeling terrible, especially since she just started. I do think she bruised easily; she barely cried each time.


          • #6
            Some kids are just like that. My own daughter was like a walking bruise at that age. She was always watched and supervised, but always getting hurt doing routine things. I don't think she has had a day since she started crawling that she hasn't had a bruise or scratch somewhere. We tell her she's like an accident waiting to happen:: If the parents of your DCK are not concerned, I wouldn't be either. She is probably the same way at home!


            • #7
              Originally posted by SunshineMama View Post
              Another post about 13month dcg.

              Day 8:

              This is the 3rd time she has hit her head. Last week, she crawled and fell into a door. Yesterday, she was holding onto a kids chair and let go and fell and bumped her head. Today, she was just crawling on the floor and face planted.

              Each time, she has gotten a small bruise. Each incident, she wasn't doing anything I would consider dangerous, but from the outside looking in, I'm sure it looks terrible. I've had kids here for years without a single injury, and she's had 3 in 8 days!

              I don't know what i should do. She's literally hurting herself by bumping into doors and floors. I could put her in an octagon and limit her space, but she will scream all day. I can't follow her around all day and catch her every time she starts to teeter. She is not walking yet.

              I just don't know what to do. I tell mom each time something happens, but really.... 3 times in 8 days? What else can I say?
              Could be a growth spurt, some kids tend to lose their balance more when they are having a growth spurt. Do you know if she gets a lot of ear infections or inner ear problems? That could cause a balance issue to.

              But some kids (and adults for that matter) are just naturally clumsy.

              And if she has light skin that could cause bruses to be more noticable too. I used to wake up with bruises on my legs that weren't there the night before (and without any known injury).


              • #8
                I had a little girl who was like that from the time she became mobile until she left for preschool. She'd plow through anything, hell bent for leather, and end up with bruises and scratches all over. Her mom and I used to say that we'd vouch for each other if Social Services ever contacted either of us.


                • #9
                  I have a dck that way. He is really struggling with balance, and as Willow said, Mom and I point out the latest wounds at drop off and pick up. He has entered the EI program, and every time a therapist would come here, she questioned me about the latest bruises. We have a good working relationship, and I finally told her that if I for one minute suspected a problem, I'd be on the phone so fast their head would spin. But, since he gets as many here as at home, I don't have a single worry about it. Since then, she's seen him take a few spectacular tumbles with 3 adults in the room watching him. They don't ask any more.

                  His 3 year old sister is still one big bruise. She did a face plant in the dirt this week and has what looks like road rash on her face right now. I think they are so busy that their feet don't keep up with their brain.


                  • #10
                    Ask her mom if she is clumsy at home as well. Keep an open line of communication with mom about it and document and tell the mom whenever she has fell and gotten a bruise.

                    I have this same accident prone dcg! She had a bruised head everyday from 11 m until 20 mo. She tripped over air she was so clumsy! I talked with dcm about it almost everyday and she was the same way at home.

                    Now shes almost 2 and it went from her head to her knees :: So now she has constant skinned knees!!

