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Google Adwords and Consignment Events

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  • Google Adwords and Consignment Events

    So, I just received my first inquiry for a tour from my new google adwords campaign! happyface I signed up via some $50 offer through Vistaprint (I use for my postcards) and I added $50 of my own. I really try not to go over my marketing budget (which is minimal), but after 'cleaning out' my wait list I've realized that I really DON'T have a good wait list anymore outside of infants. Anywho, I'm wondering if anyone else has had any success with this? Do you set your own cost per click? I used all the default settings. Glad it led to a tour on the 4th day, but I wonder if it is worth using in the event I'm low on enrollment in the future.

    Also, have any of you ever been vendors at children's consignment events, parenting expos, etc.? I'm considering either donating goodies and flyers to go in the bags this year or getting a booth to share information. In our area we have the annual Duck Duck Goose Consignment event which is also in other parts of Tennessee, Montanta, Kentucky, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, etc. There were over 20,000 in attendance for our event last year so I know it wouldn't be a waste of my time. I'm just not sure what I should bring, pass out, share etc. I've considered the preggo pops attached to my postcard and baked goods for anyone who registers for a tour. Idk, just thinking aloud I suppose.

    All comments welcome
    Last edited by KnoxMom; 06-19-2013, 11:28 AM. Reason: grammar :D

  • #2
    I'll be watching this thread. I have a discount offer from Google also, and I've been debating whether or not to try it.


    • #3
      I'm conflicted on this topic. How much per click are they charging?. I've always worried about competitors using click fraud to run up charges. I just don't trust it since I get hit with so much spam everyday. In a perfect world every click should at least produce an introduction to a potential client. Someone just clicking on a link attached to my money is another thing. I did it once for and ranked through $1500 in two days (of course search words "Palm Springs Hotels" was priced pretty high). When I looked at my direct traffic (visitors that go directly to and not through a search engine), I was doing 10 times the traffic on my own. It was a good selling point to my current advertisers for them to realize how much cheaper I was charging them then the search engines. I just did an audit of my traffic for many of my sites and my direct traffic ranges from 20% to 40%

      These days search dominates in unparalleled ways and you almost have to spend money on SEM (search engine marketing).

      If you get one or two click a day and get several calls a week from your plan, then its worth it. It really depends on the state/area you are in and who is internet search savvy.

      Just food for thought.


      • #4
        I've replied in blue:

        Originally posted by Michael View Post
        I'm conflicted on this topic. How much per click are they charging?.

        My average CPC was about $1.24

        I've always worried about competitors using click fraud to run up charges. I just don't trust it since I get hit with so much spam everyday. In a perfect world every click should at least produce an introduction to a potential client.

        These days search dominates in unparalleled ways and you almost have to spend money on SEM (search engine marketing).

        I've considered this as well. However, if you search any of several terms (home daycare, day care, preschool, etc.) in my city, my page usually ranks twice on the first page but not at the very top of the list. I'm listed on google maps and use a google+ page but it seems like the ones that come up first are the daycares closest to the center of the city. I live on the very edge. I've looked up several articles and google forums on how to improve that, but it seems location starts with the center of the city unless the search includes a specific zip code. All I've learned so far about SEM and SEO is to make sure I keep adding fresh quality content and getting some quality backlinks/citations...

        Just food for thought.


        • #5
          Originally posted by KnoxMom View Post
          All I've learned so far about SEM and SEO is to make sure I keep adding fresh quality content and getting some quality backlinks/citations...
          That is correct and if your website is linked to your listing in, it elevates you ranking also because is ranked so high in all the search engines for the word "daycare".

