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Long Time No See...Well...A Month.....!!

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  • Long Time No See...Well...A Month.....!!

    Wow, I've missed everyone so much!

    I've had a wonderful month with my parents visiting from the UK. My father is 81 and my mother is 76. I balled like a child when they left on Wednesday, but we had a wonderful time filled with laughter and memories. I dropped them off at the airport at 6AM and was composed by the time I got home an hour later. I later went into the room they had slept in and stripped the beds.....only to find a lace hankie under my Mum's pillow. It smelled like her.....and I cried until my eyes were swollen. I'm 52 years old. Oh boy!

    One of my daughters graduated high school and was thrilled to have her grandparents there. What a great time we had.

    Now it's back to the grindstone......but glad to be back with you guys!

    Did I miss anything huge?! Anyone win the lottery? Get married? Have a baby?

    Do tell!!! I'll be going back through posts as time allows to catch up with all your news.

    Love y'all!!

  • #2
    In forum years, that's a long time. Welcome back.


    • #3
      Welcome back Meeko! happyface

      You were definitely missed!! lovethis

      I am so happy for you that you got time with your parents!

      When you posted telling us they were coming for a visit, it made me tear up and now your post about them leaving made me outright cry!

      So happy to hear you had such a wonderful time and that your DD got to have her grandparents visit for graduation!

      Those memories are priceless!!


      • #4
        Welcome back! You've been missed! The visit with your folks sounds wonderful lovethis, but went by way too fast I'm sure.


        • #5
          Welcome back! I'm so glad you had such a fun time with your parents! lovethis


          • #6
            Welcome back! Glad you got to spend this time with your parents!! Sounds like you had a great visit!! happyfacehappyfacehappyface


            • #7
              That is wonderful- so glad you got to spend that precious time with your parents!!!


              • #8
                Welcome back! It is great that you got to spend time with your parents. I hate saying good bye too. I cry every time we leave after visiting my husbands parents (we only get to see them every other year or so for about a week).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  Welcome back Meeko! happyface

                  You were definitely missed!! lovethis

                  I am so happy for you that you got time with your parents!

                  When you posted telling us they were coming for a visit, it made me tear up and now your post about them leaving made me outright cry!

                  So happy to hear you had such a wonderful time and that your DD got to have her grandparents visit for graduation!

                  Those memories are priceless!!
                  my cyber twin said it all...... the hankie under the pillow got me-lovethis

