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I Reported Suspected Child Abuse...

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  • I Reported Suspected Child Abuse...

    Yesterday a 2 yr old boy had bruises covering his entire butt. I nearly died when I changed his diaper. Fingers are being pointed over what happened. I use to be state police, specializing in child abuse. You never get use to it, EVER! Please keep this little boy in your prayers tonight. Thank you....

  • #2
    I'm sorry,

    There are no words. Poor little guy.


    • #3
      Oh no poor thing. Keeping him in my thoughts


      • #4
        :hug:to you. That is a hard call to make I'm sure.
        :hug:to the little one.


        • #5
          So sad I'll be keeping that little guy in my prayers. Good for you for reporting it, too!


          • #6
            Sometimes I feel I'm the only one here for certain kids. Mom was mad, but I don't give a fluff. You cannot explain away that kind of marks on a 2 yr old. Mom says BF did it & he says mom did. It sickens me to no end. I need this weekend to recharge.


            • #7
              Originally posted by coolconfidentme View Post
              Sometimes I feel I'm the only one here for certain kids. Mom was mad, but I don't give a fluff. You cannot explain away that kind of marks on a 2 yr old. Mom says BF did it & he says mom did. It sickens me to no end. I need this weekend to recharge.
              How did the parents find out you reported it? Did you tell them or were they already contacted?


              • #8
                Originally posted by coolconfidentme View Post
                Yesterday a 2 yr old boy had bruises covering his entire butt. I nearly died when I changed his diaper. Fingers are being pointed over what happened. I use to be state police, specializing in child abuse. You never get use to it, EVER! Please keep this little boy in your prayers tonight. Thank you....
                Good for you. There is no excuse for NOT reporting abuse. I'd much rather be accused of overreacting than know I was responsible for letting abuse continue.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
                  How did the parents find out you reported it? Did you tell them or were they already contacted?
                  The investigator was new. She went right to the DCM's work, told her a report was filed & she was investigating. I'm not exactly sure what was said. DCM came her, yelled at me for trying to take her kids & left with them. I called the investigator who said she is still investigating. (She was repulsed at the marked on the child when she came out btw.)


                  • #10
                    Hoorayhappyface this little guy has you for his teacher! happyfacehappyface. Hopefully his life improves from this point on.

                    Take care of are a lifesaver!


                    • #11
                      That little guy is lucky to have you watching out for him.:hug:

                      It's amazing to me that dc mom would react the way she did. Did she not see the bruises when she changed him? If she did see them and she knew she didn't do it, why didn't she report her boyfriend instead of just dropping him off at day care as if it were a normal day? If she somehow didn't know about the bruises, once she found out and suspected the boyfriend why wasn't she grateful to you for reporting it and why wasn't she all over the boyfriend - not you for reporting it! I'll never understand "parents" like this.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by LK5kids View Post
                        Hoorayhappyface this little guy has you for his teacher! happyfacehappyface. Hopefully his life improves from this point on.

                        Take care of are a lifesaver!



                        • #13
                          I'm glad you reported!

