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Good Behavior

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  • Good Behavior

    I was wondering if any of you do a good behavior charts? If so, what kind do you do? Do you give the kids a reward? I have a couple of kids that are real toughies and I am at a loss. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks

  • #2
    I have little plastic jars I got at the dollar shelf at target 2 for a dollar, and poker chips. We start out with 3 each morning and if you have 4 at the end of the day your hand gets stamped.


    • #3 kids LOVE stickers !!! and I also bought Reward sheets at LakeShore Learning to send home to parents to let them know of something they did great during the day !


      • #4
        I have all older SA kids. We have a good behavior chart - I give them a check mark for every day that they follow the rules. If they get 5 checkmarks, they get to pick from the "treasure box" on Friday afternoons. I have small dollar store toys, pencils, etc. in the box - an actual toy treasure chest. I've caught some flack here for it before, but I find that the kids LOVE it and are really motivated to behave. All it takes is for me to say "who wants an 'X'?" and they all calm down immediately.


        • #5
          I did the "reward" chart for about 2 months, if they earned so many at the end of the day they got a sticker and if they earned all of them at the end of the week they got to pick something out of the treasure box. I figured how many stars per age (can't remember now). This only worked for about 2 months before they all got bored with it. Now I keep a "candy" jar up on my shelf and peridodically if I see someone sharing, being nice, using nice words I'll give them 1 m & m, or if I see all of them playing together nicely sometimes I'll gve them one. They like that better. they can also earn a cookie after snack following the same above things and they always look forward to knowing if they've earned it.

