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Just Finished My NEW Website!

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  • Just Finished My NEW Website!

    Here was the old one

    Here is the new one!

    Yay! So glad it's done!
    Last edited by EchoMom; 05-20-2013, 11:27 PM. Reason: oops

  • #2
    Looks great.


    • #3
      program is spelled wrong (top, our program link) but other than that it looks great! I love your outdoor space, I want to go play!


      • #4
        Include is spelled wrong on your rates page.. Not being negative! Just want it to look even more amazing! GREAT web site!


        • #5
          Lovely! And your outdoor space is a dream!!


          • #6
            Nice site! I really like the it! '

            I also noticed a spelling error. A Prepared Environmnet for Discovery on the second page. Environment is spelled incorrectly.


            • #7
              Originally posted by EchoMom View Post

              It looks great!

              Just wondering- Why did you change it? I really like the first one... Why change it from childcare to daycare?? Just wondering!

              I love love love your setup and outdoor space!!!happyfacehappyface


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                Nice site! I really like the it! '

                I also noticed a spelling error. A Prepared Environmnet for Discovery on the second page. Environment is spelled incorrectly.
                Sweet BC! I didn't even catch it! I think she was just typing quickly when she made her website. \

                I need to get mine up


                • #9
                  Thanks everyone! Don't think it's negative at all, I need help finding the catches. I finished at 4am after being up all night working on it several nights in a row. So glad it's done!

                  Fixed the typos everyone mentioned here. Thanks for the compliments!

                  I changed the site because I wasn't in love with the first one. More importantly, the first site was built by my uncle in Tenessee on his host server. I told him all I wanted and he put it together. But everytime I wanted to change, edit, or try an idea I had to convey that to him, then he do it, then blah blah way too much hassle not being able to just do it myself.

                  So I used Wix to build my own and now that I have acess to it I can edit it whenever I want, easily.

                  The name change is because since I'm leaving his hosting, I need a new email and won't let me have the first name, but the 2nd name is available.

                  On the first name I owned the domain (or my uncle did), I don't own the domain for the second, but it is available, but I don't want to pay for it. Especially I don't think it really matters, the ads don't seem that obtrusive and the URL doesn't really matter since people just click the link directly from CL.


                  • #10
                    Maybe it's me but your rates explained left me confused.

                    Also just a suggestion. Not trying to tell you what to do. But I would consider charging the same rate for 4-5 days. I look at it from the perspective that if you offer 4 days, that 5th day will never be filled and you will lose money for that day.

                    It looks like a great program you have. Very nicely done.....


                    • #11

                      Changed it back to the original name and will connect the domain I already own.

                      Thanks for the suggestion Jewels! Yes, I was thinking the rates aren't really explained well.

                      And good idea about the 4-5 day thing, but I actually love it that way. Because my part time rate is higher per day than the full time, the difference between 4 days/week and 5/full time is only an $8 difference. And since we split all our money 50/50, the loss is only $4/week. It's worth it to us to lose $4/week and have the more money for less days work.

                      Also, because it's only an $8 difference, most people end up going with the full time rate anyway if they think they might ever need to add the 5th day from time to time, since doing so at the part time rate would make it way more expensive. So most people who want 4 days just go ahead and get the full time rate anyway.

                      Either way, I make better money for less days of work.


                      • #12
                        That makes lot of sense. I would do the same.


                        • #13
                          I love your website and your space! Looks great!


                          • #14
                            I love the website. Great pictures and your outdoor space is awesome!


                            • #15
                              Love it! I would like to have seen a phone contact for you (perhaps I missed it, but I thought it would be on Home page and Contact page) rather than just the form. Very nice job though!

