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Overtime ?

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  • Overtime ?

    My hours are flexible with my parents but they are contracted. Right now if care is needed greater than 9 hours a day I charge 2.00 extra an hour. For example if they need 730-530 it would be an extra 40 a u think this is unreasonable? I live in a competitive area and do not want to lose clients yet I want to be fairly compensated for my time. What do you ladies think or do?

  • #2
    Is that a flat two dollars an hour, just added to the weekly total? If I was giving up family time in the evenings for overtime, I'd totally charge at least 5.


    • #3
      Bottom line is you do what YOU are comfortable doing. But here's something to think about -- Most people work 8 hours with at least a 30 min lunch, sometimes 45 min to an hour. Then there's commute time. If it's somebody with an hour lunch and a 30 min commute, that's 9 1/2 hours. In many cases, their commute is longer due to traffic. I think a 10 hour day is comfortable. I would never expect anything less than 9 1/2 hours for a parent who works full-time. But that's just me.


      • #4
        when I contract them I aske what their hours are,.. if they say more than 10 hours I add 2 dollars per day to their contracted fee. If they need 11 hours a day,.. then they pay an extra 10 per week. But this is all decided prior to signing.


        • #5
          I never would have even thought to do this. I think it's reasonable. How do the parents react when you tell them about it? If it's something that they accept and no one has decided to not sign with you because of it, then it sounds like they think it's reasonable as well and I'd keep doing it.


          • #6
            I just tell them its my extended hour fee,... period. If they have an issue Ive never noticed. When they call and ask for care availability,.. they say how much do you charge? I say,.. what hours will you need care, not your work hours, but the actual hours you need care,.. then I quote them accordingly.


            • #7
              Originally posted by View Post
              I just tell them its my extended hour fee,... period. If they have an issue Ive never noticed. When they call and ask for care availability,.. they say how much do you charge? I say,.. what hours will you need care, not your work hours, but the actual hours you need care,.. then I quote them accordingly.
              That's a great way to do it! I'm going to have to re-think my fees when I get a new family.


              • #8
                Originally posted by View Post
                when I contract them I aske what their hours are,.. if they say more than 10 hours I add 2 dollars per day to their contracted fee. If they need 11 hours a day,.. then they pay an extra 10 per week. But this is all decided prior to signing.
                I think this is reasonable; going under 10 hrs does not account for a normal day of lunch and commute time. And you have a great way to explain it, too!


                • #9
                  I am open 730-530. I am firm about closing at 530 as my DS has lots of extraciriccular activities. That is a 10 hr day. So I charge $35 per day up to 10 hrs. If they are 6-30 min late it is $5..if they are 31-60 min late, it's overtime at $10 per the $5 late if they are 31 min late, it's a total of $15..

                  I state in my contract that evenings, weekends, overnights, are overtime at $10 per hr. It is a deterrent, so I wont get calls to do evenings, etc, unless they REALLY need it, so that way they only call me as a last resort. And with the late fee and OT fee, they will be sure NOT to stop off at the store on the way home.

                  Now if someone has to work OT and I know in advance, they wont get the late fee, but they will get the OT fee.

                  I do the same with early drop off. If they want to come early, its $5 for up to a half hr, and it's an 1 hr early, or more, its OT at $10 hr. I really dont want to be pulled out of bed any earlier than I have to, and if I do, it's got to be worth my while, as I am NOT a morning person, plus I have to get my own family up and going too. Again, its a deterrent..I used to have 1 mom who wanted to go shopping early in teh am before work, so I had to come up with a policy for it. She stopped going to target before work...LOL

