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OT: Don’t Judge Me But...

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  • OT: Don’t Judge Me But...

    Anyone want to play??

    There was talk of this board needing to "lighten up" and while I think we are all pretty light, this could still be fun.

    So here we go,

    Don't judge me but, I had 4 cookies this morning because I was in a crappy mood and needed something not good for me! And when the dcks asked if they could have cookies to, I said they were my special cookies...and gave them carrots.



  • #2
    Don't judge me but I cut Circle Time in half because my cervix was hurting (too much walking this morning!) and I wanted to relax instead of be up/down/up/down/up/down.


    • #3
      Originally posted by CedarCreek View Post
      Anyone want to play??

      There was talk of this board needing to "lighten up" and while I think we are all pretty light, this could still be fun.

      So here we go,

      Don't judge me but, I had 4 cookies this morning because I was in a crappy mood and needed something not good for me! And when the dcks asked if they could have cookies to, I said they were my special cookies...and gave them carrots.


      Ummmmm....I'm gonna tell!!! LOL

      Oh shoot, I can't do that!!! I had a Snickers I found in my Mother's Day gifts I'd forgotten about and once I laid eyes on it, there was no turning back. I didn't let my kids see me with it though...


      • #4
        I've totally done that ::

        The weird (but good) thing is my dcks prefer the carrots.


        • #5
          Don't judge me but....Almost everyday either at lunch or nap I sit down and eat a Swiss Cake Roll and drink some Coke! If the older kids see me, I tell them that it's my special food. They usually don't say anything because I have a child who has a gluten and dairy free diet so they are used to me saying the words "special food".


          • #6

            Don't judge me but... I dumped all the left over coffee out (after I had some of course) just to annoy DH. He hates making/waiting for it to be done and really p!$$ED me off this morning (we had a HUGE fight). I also fed the lunch I made him to the DCKs as snack so now he has to make his own boo hoo. Petty and low but I felt better


            • #7
              I put all the kids down an hour earlier today.Now I'm watching my shows I recorded and eating chips and salsa!


              • #8
                I think the healthiest thing I had on Mother's Day was the Orange Juice in my mimosa


                • #9
                  Don't judge me but... I pour milk in the bowl before my cereal.

                  Don't judge me but... I also don't do the first knot when I tie shoes- I go straight to the bunny ears.

                  Don't judge me but... I like uncooked/raw bacon.


                  • #10
                    Don't judge me but...I let everyone believe my just turned 2 year old son can count to 12 because I work with him a lot at home when in actuality, I'm pretty sure he learned to count from watching too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by slorey View Post
                      Don't judge me but...I let everyone believe my just turned 2 year old son can count to 12 because I work with him a lot at home when in actuality, I'm pretty sure he learned to count from watching too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

                      ..."but research shows...." ::::::


                      • #12
                        Don't judge me. But, I have an overweight four yr old dcg... I am supposed to limit and measure what she eats, but I never measure or weigh her food. Partly because the kids ask me why, and partly because it's too much trouble.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by slorey View Post
                          Don't judge me but...I let everyone believe my just turned 2 year old son can count to 12 because I work with him a lot at home when in actuality, I'm pretty sure he learned to count from watching too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
                          :: Mine learned from watching Dora... On the bright side, he also knows how to count in Spanish.


                          • #14
                            Haha, I love it ladies!

                            I thought of another..

                            Don't judge me but I pretended to be asleep on the couch last night so I wouldn't have to bathe my 2 sons...poor DH!


                            • #15
                              Don't judge me. I planted a garden with seeds that never started growing. Over the weekend I bought full grown plants and then told the kids to look and see how much the garden grew! They were amazed! I never fessed up.

