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My Craiglist Ad??

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  • My Craiglist Ad??

    I know many of you rely on Craigslist (and I know it works, too!). However, referrals have been my main source; now I need to fill two spots and QUICK!! Can you take a moment to let me know what you think about my ad? Any changes you would recommend? I wanted it to be similar to the other local ads but I didn't want it to get too lengthy so I added a link to my website to minimize the explaining. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    Here is the link:

    Also, my website is:

    I also plan to add the parent handbook and contract online this week.


  • #2
    I think BOTH you Craig's List ad and your web-site are very nice and nicely done!

    I really like that you included videos on your web-site. It is a nice touch and not something you see too often so it definitely sets you apart from other sites I've seen.

    The only comment I have and it isn't a requirement but there is no "About the Provider" section/page on your site. There is nothing that talks about YOU and what YOU bring to the program personally.

    IME, parents like to make that human connection too.... Like I said, not a requirement but definitely something I looked for as a parent.


    • #3
      Thank you for your feedback! I guess I'm always a little apprehensive because I'm on the young side (under 30) and look even younger (constantly asked my age). Until parents actually meet me and hear me explain my teaching philosophy and the time I put into choosing a curriculum and educational approach, some of them have a hard time taking me seriously. At the end of an interview, the comment is made that they were "pleasantly surprised with my knowledge/experience because I look like a baby myself". Sure, it will pay off when I'm 50, but for now I fear that it will hurt me professionally. I always make a point to dress conservatively and sophisticated; sometimes I even wear my glasses to interviews as it seems to help me 'look my age'. Right or wrong, people do make assumptions based on looks and this is what has worked for me in the past. Do you think I should change my line of thinking? Should I explain about myself and leave out a picture? I have SO many questions... This is an area I have struggled with since opening bc I DO want parents to get to know me and make that human connection as you discussed.


      • #4
        Originally posted by KnoxMom View Post
        Thank you for your feedback! I guess I'm always a little apprehensive because I'm on the young side (under 30) and look even younger (constantly asked my age). Until parents actually meet me and hear me explain my teaching philosophy and the time I put into choosing a curriculum and educational approach, some of them have a hard time taking me seriously. At the end of an interview, the comment is made that they were "pleasantly surprised with my knowledge/experience because I look like a baby myself". Sure, it will pay off when I'm 50, but for now I fear that it will hurt me professionally. I always make a point to dress conservatively and sophisticated; sometimes I even wear my glasses to interviews as it seems to help me 'look my age'. Right or wrong, people do make assumptions based on looks and this is what has worked for me in the past. Do you think I should change my line of thinking? Should I explain about myself and leave out a picture? I have SO many questions... This is an area I have struggled with since opening bc I DO want parents to get to know me and make that human connection as you discussed.
        I think you are right. People definitely have their own preconceived notions of what other's should look like in certain roles and professions.

        What I would do if I were in your shoes is compromise. Just write up a little bio about you and how you got into the field and what keeps you here or about your journey....the things you've accomplished and those you still strive for... but leave the picture out.

        NOT because you should be embarrassed or ashamed of looking so young () but because I totally support and agree with you about people making their first assumptions off of what they see verses what you are saying to them.


        • #5
          Love it...nicely done


          • #6
            I like both the ad and your website. Excellent work happyface


            • #7
              I think they look great!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I think you are right. People definitely have their own preconceived notions of what other's should look like in certain roles and professions.

                What I would do if I were in your shoes is compromise. Just write up a little bio about you and how you got into the field and what keeps you here or about your journey....the things you've accomplished and those you still strive for... but leave the picture out.

                NOT because you should be embarrassed or ashamed of looking so young () but because I totally support and agree with you about people making their first assumptions off of what they see verses what you are saying to them.
                Gosh, you always know just what to say/do. I don't know why I hadn't considered something in the middle. I'm definitely going to take your advice! Thanks


                • #9
                  Wow, I love your space! Your as and website both look phenomenal!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KnoxMom View Post
                    Gosh, you always know just what to say/do. I don't know why I hadn't considered something in the middle. I'm definitely going to take your advice! Thanks
                    Yes she does!


                    • #11
                      Thank you all! I've already had two inquiries today!

                      One from a fake person from another country of course "Greetings i require a reliable baby service for my 3 lovely daughter who i am so blessed with please send me your information to answer this offer only if you are 19 or up and i will be needing references for you background information and I am so happy i have found a great services as I am moving to your area as soon as possible and happy to be in America"

                      No phishing emails in my pond!

                      But seriously, there is one who is expecting this month and ready to set up an interview! :-)

                      ...Do I want a new baby though?? Ha, not ready to close any doors yet! :-D


                      • #12
                        Looks great! I am really interested in HighScope for my program, so we share that in common--and I'm also under 30

                        A couple things that came to mind--

                        1. Your program looks very professional, but I did a double-take when I saw that capacity was only 4 children. If I was a parent looking for a preschool environment for my child--which is the market you seem to be targeting--, I might hesitate to enroll him in a program with only 3 other kids--especially if their ages could range from 6 weeks to preschool age. Can you address this somehow?

                        2. If parents are not familiar with Reggio Emilia, they won't know what Atlier is. You should explain that a bit in your schedule section.

                        3. I would definitely include a biography section with a photograph of yourself. I would want the human connection!

                        4. Can you include photographs of children playing in some of your daycare areas?

                        5. I didn't find out until I read your blog that you have children of your own. That would be really great to mention in your biography, as well as any teaching experience you may have.

                        Good luck!


                        • #13
                          I think they both look great!


                          • #14
                            I'm responding in bold!

                            Originally posted by preschoolteacher View Post
                            Looks great! I am really interested in HighScope for my program, so we share that in common--and I'm also under 30

                            A couple things that came to mind--

                            1. Your program looks very professional, but I did a double-take when I saw that capacity was only 4 children. If I was a parent looking for a preschool environment for my child--which is the market you seem to be targeting--, I might hesitate to enroll him in a program with only 3 other kids--especially if their ages could range from 6 weeks to preschool age. Can you address this somehow?

                            Thank you, I can have 4 non-relative children in addition to my own 2 children. The full class size is six! I will update to clarify

                            2. If parents are not familiar with Reggio Emilia, they won't know what Atlier is. You should explain that a bit in your schedule section.

                            I put art studio/atelier because they are the same thing. Do you mean in the schedule I should explain what an atelier is?

                            3. I would definitely include a biography section with a photograph of yourself. I would want the human connection!

                            This was discussed with Blackcat in an earlier post. I've got a solution for that!

                            4. Can you include photographs of children playing in some of your daycare areas?

                            Yes! Thanks

                            5. I didn't find out until I read your blog that you have children of your own. That would be really great to mention in your biography, as well as any teaching experience you may have.

                            Good luck!


                            • #15
                              Love, love, love your logo! Your website is great too!

