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I Have To Start All Over Again..........

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  • I Have To Start All Over Again..........

    I have had a informative week.

    I will be losing 5 daycare kids starting in July, all for good but various reasons.

    UGH I hate having to interview and do this over and over.

    Wish me luck that I fill these spots for September.

  • #2
    Good luck! I've had an almost complete turnover twice now in 2 years (for various reasons...). I THINK we are pretty settled now.


    • #3
      Oh wow. I haven't had this happen yet but I know for sure I will probably lose one (not for another year) to preschool. Her mom has mentioned something about the 3 year olds I care for not going into preschool and wondered why they haven't . So I can expect to lose her daughter! At least she gave me a clue !

      Good luck....hope you find replacements soon!


      • #4
        What a bummer. At least you have lots of notice. Good luck


        • #5
          This is the time of year to get lots of calls, put your name out there. I have gotten a lot of calls, but no one has chosen me
          "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
          Acts 13:22


          • #6
            Wishing you good luck! It can be difficult replacing one child, five will definitely be challenging


            • #7
              I too am in the same boat...high turn over.

              Good Luck...I hate interviewing


              • #8
                Good luck!


                • #9
                  a few years back I had DCF from you know where. It was my fault. I took families I should not have, did special and so on.

                  After operating with the craziness for almost 2.5 years, I broke down one day and decided to term everyone but 1 family and I started over.

                  I found this site and oh boy was I in heaven. After all of my years in business, I found out from this site that I was doing so many things wrong.

                  I redid all of my handbooks, practiced my backbone and slowly started taking on clients one at a time. I have been full for over 1 year 7 months with much much better families.

                  I know our situations are a tad different, but I will say that starting over is not as bad as you think. I think that when this happens, you have the opportunity to fill the spaces with families that you know will be the best fit for you and for and the other kids in care.

                  Good luck to you, I am sure that things will go well. Knowing this, be sure to save some money now for when the time comes you won't be in a desperate situation to take the wrong family because of financial reasons.


                  • #10
                    I hear you. I lost 2 children last week and will lose 2 more mid-July, leaving me with 1 paying child. I have 2 infants and a 2 yr old lined up for September, but it'll be tight financially until then.


                    • #11
                      I am I'm the same boat - 2 kids moving in June and one who is likely leaving but not being honest about it. I'm terming one asap because they keep breaking policies and the mom is not someone I want in my home with her attitude. I am really torn about the other 2 who are moving one has given me a date and been very straight with me - the other ones are more in limbo. I feel like also terming the limbo family as soon as I get a replacement so that I'm not down 3 kids all summer. Last summer I couldn't get any new kids until late August.


                      • #12
                        Same boat here. I lost 3 of my 5 and have only had a few calls. I had no notice on any of mine. They all gave their 2 weeks and left. I'm hoping it picks up soon, or I'm going to have to close up shop.

                        Good luck!


                        • #13
                          I too will loose 5 of my 7 kids in August. I have a big turnover about every 2.5-3yrs, as most of the kids I care for move onto "preschool" when they are 3.5/4yr. Now it's time to saturate that market!


                          • #14
                            It's a cycle. It's part of doing child care.

                            It's happened in my program several times over the last two decades.

                            I have a large group age out and a younger group comes in to fill their shoes.

                            In 2011, I had 5 kiddos go off to Kindy so right now my group is on the younger side.

                            Since I only take kids through Kindergarten age, it seems to be a 5-6 year cycle.


                            • #15
                              I currently have 5 two year olds. 3 of them will go to school the Sept 2014 year and the other 2 the following year. I have decided to give my notice to one of the older 3 to take a one year old from a previous family when the mom goes back to work in September. This will stagger my departures a bit as well as get rid of the one child whose father can rarely get him here on time and with the proper equipment/clothing.

