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  • Inspection

    My licensing consultant comes tomorrow morning for my first inspection!

    I'm almost positive I have everything checked off in the rule book, but I'm still super nervous. Something about her coming over here, knowing she's looking for something wrong. Not to mention I don't have any kids, so I don't know what I'm going to do with myself while she's roaming around the house inspecting stuff, except for making sure that my own 2 little ones are on their best behavior.

    Wish me luck!

  • #2
    happyface Congratulations and Good Luck! happyface

    I wish I could offer some advice, but I haven't had my first inspection yet.


    • #3
      Good luck! This is one reason I'm glad I'm legally unlicensed.


      • #4
        I would probably just try to stay out of her way as much as you can. If you still want to make sure you covered all your bases, I posted this on a 'Provider in Training' thread but here is a simple checklist of basic stuff they may be looking for; some state regulations may require more but these are basics (this one is the clearest list, they also have some great advices for new providers on the website):

        Some other helpful sites (some are videos that are helpful for visual learners):

 (the only thing is two of her cribs are too close together) (there are three parts to this so start with the first one- she talks about home inspection in one of them)

        BTW let us know how it goes (on the "Providers in Training" group too, so its easier for other new providers to find without having to dig through the endless main thread topics).


        • #5
          When I got licensed the first time (20+ years ago) I was a hot mess before the licensor came...and things weren't nearly as strict as they are now. I had no clue really what to expect but I had cleaned and scrubbed everything...even made sure there were no crumbs in my toaster (which reminds me!!!).


          • #6
            Yeah, good luck! I was a little nervous when I had mine in January, but everything went great. Don't forget to check your water temp! I forgot and that was the only thing she got me on. Don't be too nervous, I'm sure you'll do great! happyface


            • #7
              Oh, and I didn't have any here either (except for my own baby) so I just walked around with my licensor and talked with her. My licensing consultant was the nicest lady ever! Hopefully yours will be too!


              • #8
                Originally posted by melilley View Post
                Oh, and I didn't have any here either (except for my own baby) so I just walked around with my licensor and talked with her. My licensing consultant was the nicest lady ever! Hopefully yours will be too!
                I'm hoping so ... but from the sound of talking to her on the phone, I'm not getting my hopes up too much. Then again, I could have just caught her on a bad day.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
                  I'm hoping so ... but from the sound of talking to her on the phone, I'm not getting my hopes up too much. Then again, I could have just caught her on a bad day.
                  Take a proactive approach and take HER on a tour of YOUR home instead of being a bystander while she "invades your home". Answer the door in a nice and upbeat manner and immediately introduce yourself and firmly shake her hand. Welcome her into your home. Ask her where you begin ... by reviewing your files or by taking a tour.

                  While she reviews your files smile at her and sweetly talk to your kids. If she asks you a question answer it in an upbeat manner and give more information than requested, info by the way that makes you look like you have everything in order and are on top of things.
                  THEM: How many adults do you have living in the home?
                  YOU: It's myself, my husband and my two children here that live here. I have my CPR certification and a both myself and my husband cleared background checks. It's all in the files .

                  When she walks your house YOU give HER the tour.
                  Tell her every safety detail about each room. Tell her if there's a smoke detector, carbon monoxide detector, fire extinguisher, the plugs that have covers, show her that the cleaners are locked up or out of reach ... whatever. Take control and you won't feel like she's an intruder ... it's also a good practice for when you start interviewing


                  • #10
                    Congrats and good luck! I hope she's like my licensor, with the mindset of trying to help you fulfill regulations, instead of just trying to catch you not following them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                      Take a proactive approach and take HER on a tour of YOUR home instead of being a bystander while she "invades your home". Answer the door in a nice and upbeat manner and immediately introduce yourself and firmly shake her hand. Welcome her into your home. Ask her where you begin ... by reviewing your files or by taking a tour.

                      While she reviews your files smile at her and sweetly talk to your kids. If she asks you a question answer it in an upbeat manner and give more information than requested, info by the way that makes you look like you have everything in order and are on top of things.
                      THEM: How many adults do you have living in the home?
                      YOU: It's myself, my husband and my two children here that live here. I have my CPR certification and a both myself and my husband cleared background checks. It's all in the files .

                      When she walks your house YOU give HER the tour.
                      Tell her every safety detail about each room. Tell her if there's a smoke detector, carbon monoxide detector, fire extinguisher, the plugs that have covers, show her that the cleaners are locked up or out of reach ... whatever. Take control and you won't feel like she's an intruder ... it's also a good practice for when you start interviewing
                      Thank you! You're right, it will be good practice for interviews.


                      • #12
                        Just wanted to update that I ended up with NO violations!! Yahoo!

                        And then, my mom took my DD, DS and I to the zoo today, and while I was there, standing next to the loudest thing possible in the zoo (the carousel) I received my first actual phone call asking about daycare (everything has been email before). I was caught off guard and with the loud music from the carousel, she probably thought I'm some doofus, but I told her I would call her back tomorrow so that I could talk to her more.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MsLaura529:346886
                          Just wanted to update that I ended up with NO violations!! Yahoo!

                          And then, my mom took my DD, DS and I to the zoo today, and while I was there, standing next to the loudest thing possible in the zoo (the carousel) I received my first actual phone call asking about daycare (everything has been email before). I was caught off guard and with the loud music from the carousel, she probably thought I'm some doofus, but I told her I would call her back tomorrow so that I could talk to her more.
                          Yay! That's awesome


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
                            Just wanted to update that I ended up with NO violations!! Yahoo!

                            And then, my mom took my DD, DS and I to the zoo today, and while I was there, standing next to the loudest thing possible in the zoo (the carousel) I received my first actual phone call asking about daycare (everything has been email before). I was caught off guard and with the loud music from the carousel, she probably thought I'm some doofus, but I told her I would call her back tomorrow so that I could talk to her more.
                            Congrats on your successful inspection! happyfacehappyface

                            I'm sure the person will understand you were out and about and hopefully you'll get a great family from it! At least it was something fun like the carousel and not an unruly bunch of crazy kids screaming in the background ::::


                            • #15
                              WOOHOO, congratulations! happyfacehappyface
                              Oh, and for some odd reason, people always seem to call while you are out and doing things and can't always hear them! I'm usually grocery shopping..

