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Working With Multi-Age Group... Help!

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  • Working With Multi-Age Group... Help!

    Ok for those of you that have a multi-age group including children under 1, how in the world do you do art projects or activities with the older kids while keeping the babies happy?

    I have a 3 year old DCB, a 2 year old DCG, a 1 year old DCB (just turned 1), and a 10 month old DCB. I want to be able to do art projects and activities with the older kids but it is SO hard! The two little ones are always at the table grabbing things/crying because they want attention while I'm trying to do projects with the older ones. I try bringing them over to the play room and distracting them with toys, but as soon as I leave to go check on the older ones, they will follow and cry. So needless to say, we can never do an art project/activity in peace.. I feel like I always have to rush the older kids along in their projects so we can just be DONE!!... which I know is not right.

  • #2
    When I worked at a home daycare before, we would do art projects while the younger ones were taking their morning nap, or having a snack in the high chair, or even giving them a toddler crayon (the big chunky plastic one with just a little bit of crayon peeking out) and a piece of paper in the high chair.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
      When I worked at a home daycare before, we would do art projects while the younger ones were taking their morning nap, or having a snack in the high chair, or even giving them a toddler crayon (the big chunky plastic one with just a little bit of crayon peeking out) and a piece of paper in the high chair.
      I also do projects/crafts when the little ones are taking their morning nap. It works out well. They sleep for about an hour which is usually plently of time for the older ones to complete their activity.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
        When I worked at a home daycare before, we would do art projects while the younger ones were taking their morning nap, or having a snack in the high chair, or even giving them a toddler crayon (the big chunky plastic one with just a little bit of crayon peeking out) and a piece of paper in the high chair.
        Originally posted by sammie View Post
        I also do projects/crafts when the little ones are taking their morning nap. It works out well. They sleep for about an hour which is usually plently of time for the older ones to complete their activity.
        I would love to do that but my little ones don't take a morning nap anymore. So that's not an option for us. But I do like the idea of a snack in their high chair!


        • #5
          Sit everyone at a table. Lil ones can have a snack or sensory bins while older ones do arts n crafts.


          • #6
            first what kind of art projects are you doing... a craft project where you have to put this in this place??? Instead try this is the materials we will use and let them create. If you sit down and play with it also they will learn by watching you. the 1 yr old is interested so give him paper and a crayon

            The 10 month that depends on the child but a few minutes in a highchair with some cheerios is not a bad thing.
            It:: will wait


            • #7
              Originally posted by hope View Post
              Sit everyone at a table. Lil ones can have a snack or sensory bins while older ones do arts n crafts.
              The one year old I'm watching now will sometimes nap while we do a morning project, but lately I will do as others mentioned and give her a little snack during this time. She loves to watch and observe what the 2 yo are doing and is very entertained and happy! I also will let her color or paint, but definitely need to be one on one with her when she is painting!


              • #8
                I have a large play yard filled with baby-appropriate toys only (we call it babyland). When I am doing a table top activity geared towards the older children, I will put the little ones in babyland. It is right next to my table, so they can observe the activity, but are contained in a safe place just for them.


                • #9
                  I don't have babies at the moment, but I have had them in the past in a mixed-age group. Sometimes the baby was napping or in a sling on me while kids were doing art, but very often, they were involved. If you think in terms of process, rather than product (art instead of craft), you can find a way for kids of all ages to participate. A 10-month-old can paint, explore clay, use markers/colored pencils/crayons (I usually chose fat colored pencils if the child tended to bite writing implements), tear/crumple paper, stick collage materials on contac paper.... The first baby in my group demanded to paint at 8 months (by pulling up at the table where the other kids were painting and grabbing a brush)--so that's when we started. At 14 months, he was determined to use scissors. So we began then (with the rule that he could use them if he was on my lap). He was my example for the babies to come later.

                  We have a studio space which I set up for mixed ages. My thoughts are if you can reach it, you can use it--I set the paper and crayons down low, the scissors higher up, etc.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nothingwithoutjoy View Post

                    We have a studio space which I set up for mixed ages. My thoughts are if you can reach it, you can use it--I set the paper and crayons down low, the scissors higher up, etc.
                    you don't have kids that graba crayon and color on everything?


                    • #11
                      I would never expect for two young ones to be happy in a room/area alone while I did something else with the other kids. If you are out of site of the younger kids, that's a problem in more ways than one. Like the others said, get a seated activity going for the younger ones while the big kids to art or whatever. if the babies cant handle coloring, just pick something else for them to do. or set up a table in the play room for art. you can even section off that area so the babies cant get to the art area.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by LittleD View Post
                        you don't have kids that graba crayon and color on everything?
                        No. I'll get paper and remind them it's for paper if needed; usually quick to learn. And I put out all washable things on the low shelves.


                        • #13
                          If they are under one I'd do it during their nap time. If they are over one then they can have a crayon and paper in the high chair....


                          • #14
                            I would put the two babies in high chairs and the two older ones at the table. The babies can be given any activity. It doesn't necessarily have to be art just because the older ones are doing art.

                            Also I have already put the babies down for nap about 20 or so minutes before the older ones and then let the older ones do their projects before they go down for nap. They don't all have to do projects at the same time either. I've already had one do theirs in the early morning cause they arrived earlier than the other children or do it later if they left later. If one gets up a little early from nap there is time there. You just have to be flexible. I just figure if they get it done by the end of the day then that's a win!



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cradle2crayons View Post
                              If they are under one I'd do it during their nap time. If they are over one then they can have a crayon and paper in the high chair....
                              I have the same problem as OP. I can barely keep my 2 year old from eating a crayon, I haven't even tried with my 9 month old Or else I go to put the baby in a jumper and smell the diaper- always something! Makes life interesting, that's for sure!

