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Do I Have Any Rights In This?

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  • Do I Have Any Rights In This?

    ok here it is.. first my mom never hits me. me and my bother got into a fight at mcdonalds we threw ketchup on each older im 15 he is 13. i got some ketchup on some woman clothes and my mom had to reinburst her for the damage. my mom freak out on me told me i was a immature baby and my brother to in front of people in mcdonlads. Leaving mcdonalds she told us that she should get us some pacifers and some pampers and a playpen. people were looking at me. like she was right. she took away my x box my i pod and cell i cant go out on weekends now. on the car ride home she is yelling at us telling us when she goes to wallmart she should buy us a crib and stuff.telling me we made her look like a bad mother shes being a total bitch to me.

    Can i turn her into CPS for abuse saying those things to me? isnt it slander or something saying lies about someone. saying i need pampers and making me look bad in public.For the record he started it my brother not me. its not fair shes doing this. she took away my games and i cant go out now cause of that bitch. i want her to chill out and respect me

  • #2
    This is spam, I've seen it before.


    • #3
      Yes, I agree with nanglgrl definitely spam. Google it. Please don't feed the troll!


      • #4
        Originally posted by nanglgrl View Post
        This is spam, I've seen it before.
        no its not..please help me


        • #5
          I hope an admin comes in here, but no, I'd probably have done the same thing plus more. The fact of the matter is it doesn't matter who started it, you made a CHOICE to participate and you are just as accountable as your brother. Actually more so, because you are older. As much as you think your mother embarrassed you, you need to think about how you made HER feel in public.

          I hope you realize how grateful you should be that you aren't my child because the public embarrassment at McDonald's would have been the LAST of your worries.

          What I recommend.... Tell your mother that yes, you did act like an immature baby and you are terribly sorry you embarrassed her and that you acted that way. You are 15 years old and if my child your age had done that, they'd be in some serious trouble.

          To answer your question, her choice of words may not have been the ones of choice for you, they were legal. It's not illegal to embarrass your child. If I were you, I'd be grateful to have a mom like her who cares enough to punish you for horrible behaviors like you displayed.


          • #6
            This is old. Ignore it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cradle2crayons View Post
              I hope an admin comes in here, but no, I'd probably have done the same thing plus more. The fact of the matter is it doesn't matter who started it, you made a CHOICE to participate and you are just as accountable as your brother. Actually more so, because you are older. As much as you think your mother embarrassed you, you need to think about how you made HER feel in public.

              I hope you realize how grateful you should be that you aren't my child because the public embarrassment at McDonald's would have been the LAST of your worries.

              What I recommend.... Tell your mother that yes, you did act like an immature baby and you are terribly sorry you embarrassed her and that you acted that way. You are 15 years old and if my child your age had done that, they'd be in some serious trouble.

              To answer your question, her choice of words may not have been the ones of choice for you, they were legal. It's not illegal to embarrass your child. If I were you, I'd be grateful to have a mom like her who cares enough to punish you for horrible behaviors like you displayed.
              she wont listen to me. she dont even talk to me now


              • #8
                Then maybe that's for the best young lady. Let her cool down I'd recommend you start cleaning house or something serious and stay on your best behavior


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cradle2crayons View Post
                  Then maybe that's for the best young lady. Let her cool down I'd recommend you start cleaning house or something serious and stay on your best behavior
                  wut about her comments though? the pampers and other stuff


                  • #10
                    This was here word for word from another source a few months back. It's old spam.


                    • #11
                      Closing. This is a troll.
                      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                      • #12
                        After the last one I registered

