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Just For Fun: OT- But Interesting Controversial Commercial

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  • Just For Fun: OT- But Interesting Controversial Commercial

    So apparently there is a bit of controversy with this K-mart Ad.

    Using a bit of potty humor to tout its shipping service, Kmart’s new online ad, called "Ship My Pants," is generating a fair amount giggles online. Since it was posted on YouTube on April 10, it's been viewed more than … Continue reading

    What are your thoughts? Is it funny or inappropriate for TV? Would this make you not want to shop their anymore (or want shop there more if you didn't shop their before)?

    P.S. I wonder if kids would get in trouble at school for telling their teachers they "shipped their pants"?
    Last edited by Starburst; 04-16-2013, 01:25 PM. Reason: add PS

  • #2
    It's a funny commercial but I think they say the phrase way too much. A couple of times and it would still be funny.

    I was watching the $100,000 episode of Americas Funniest Home Videos the other night and I was surprised that one of the runners up videos had a kid saying "Quite looking at my penis." They of course ran the video over and over.

    We don't have Kmart but this commercial would not make me shop there, or make me stop shopping there.


    • #3
      This ad wouldn't make me want to shop at Kmart or not shop there but I have to admit I laughed while I watched it. I know my husband will "ship" his pants when I show it to him!::


      • #4
        The commercial was okay even though it did sound like several times it was not the word SHIP that was said. Stupid commercial but I wasn't offended.


        • #5
          I thought it was funny. Lowbrow, but funny.


          • #6
            I watching it online from a FB post and honestly thought it was a spoof. I would NOT be happy if it came on TV while my kids were watching. As a spoof it's hilarious but as a serious ad it made me decide to boycott K-Mart.


            • #7
              Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
              I watching it online from a FB post and honestly thought it was a spoof. I would NOT be happy if it came on TV while my kids were watching. As a spoof it's hilarious but as a serious ad it made me decide to boycott K-Mart.
              Agreed, some companies make "viral" commercials, as that I think it's funny. But it'd be pissed if it was on TV when my kids were watching. They watched a cartoon the other day where one of the kids dropped something and said "aw, buckets." well, both my boys gasped in horror and gave me that are-we-in-trouble-for-watching-this-cartoon look.

              Say it. It sounds JUST like what it was meant to sound like. NOT cool.


              • #8
                I thought it was hilarious. My dh and I couldn't believe that KMART actually had a funny commercial. KMART around here is a joke. We go there for Christmas shopping when we don't want to fight a crowd.

                Homeschooling Mama to:
                ds 10
                dd 8


                • #9
                  I love it! But as an online ad, not one I want to see randomly on TV when I can't control it. It's a great adult ad. I'm still sold on not shopping at kmart though, so maybe the ad isn't really going to get anywhere with me, but it's still funny.


                  • #10
                    Whatever. Kids are going to hear actual swears all throughout their childhood. You might not swear around your kids but an aunt or uncle might, or someone you happen to be passing by in a store, and definitely school friends, etc. I think people need to stop censoring everything when it comes to kids and start educating. Telling a child that such and such is a "bad" or "adult" world and should not be repeated (and giving a consequence if it is repeated) will go alot further than trying to keep true bad/adult words from their little ears.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
                      Whatever. Kids are going to hear actual swears all throughout their childhood. You might not swear around your kids but an aunt or uncle might, or someone you happen to be passing by in a store, and definitely school friends, etc. I think people need to stop censoring everything when it comes to kids and start educating. Telling a child that such and such is a "bad" or "adult" world and should not be repeated (and giving a consequence if it is repeated) will go alot further than trying to keep true bad/adult words from their little ears.
                      Very true, but there has to be a point where a parent should be able to feel that their child can watch tv even as a family and not have to have a channel changed. There has to be a point that as a parent they can have some control over what there child here's and say enough is enough.

                      Having to police everything anymore is getting tiring, old and I just want to tell the world to GROW UP. If you can't sell something without involving what sounds like bad language, sex, breast hanging out, and many other things then obviously the product probably isn't worth it.

                      We buy products that actually have scriptures written on them-certain brands have a scripture on the packaging. One comes from a Name brand store and another is from the grocery store. Imagine the uproar it would cause if the makers wanted to quote their scripture on a commercial! It would either not be allowed or boycotted.
                      Each day is a fresh start
                      Never look back on regrets
                      Live life to the fullest
                      We only get one shot at this!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
                        Whatever. Kids are going to hear actual swears all throughout their childhood. You might not swear around your kids but an aunt or uncle might, or someone you happen to be passing by in a store, and definitely school friends, etc. I think people need to stop censoring everything when it comes to kids and start educating. Telling a child that such and such is a "bad" or "adult" world and should not be repeated (and giving a consequence if it is repeated) will go alot further than trying to keep true bad/adult words from their little ears.
                        I agree 100%! People need to understand that society WANTS the right to be free and do whatever they want.

                        They want to have freedom to express themselves and in doing so someone else is always going to be offended.

                        If someone is offended, then turn off the TV and stop watching it.

                        You can't participate in something that is "controlled" by the people and what the people want and then complain about it.

                        If you don't like it, don't watch it. Don't shop at K-mart. Don't watch channels that support things you don't like. Write the TV channels and K-mart a letter complaining. Or turn off the TV all together.

                        In this particular situation, there are hundreds of alternatives other than subjecting your children or family to something you find offensive.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                          Very true, but there has to be a point where a parent should be able to feel that their child can watch tv even as a family and not have to have a channel changed. There has to be a point that as a parent they can have some control over what there child here's and say enough is enough.

                          Having to police everything anymore is getting tiring, old and I just want to tell the world to GROW UP. If you can't sell something without involving what sounds like bad language, sex, breast hanging out, and many other things then obviously the product probably isn't worth it.
                          We buy products that actually have scriptures written on them-certain brands have a scripture on the packaging. One comes from a Name brand store and another is from the grocery store. Imagine the uproar it would cause if the makers wanted to quote their scripture on a commercial! It would either not be allowed or boycotted.
                          :::::::::: What ISN'T marketed that way today?!?!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
                            Whatever. Kids are going to hear actual swears all throughout their childhood. You might not swear around your kids but an aunt or uncle might, or someone you happen to be passing by in a store, and definitely school friends, etc. I think people need to stop censoring everything when it comes to kids and start educating. Telling a child that such and such is a "bad" or "adult" world and should not be repeated (and giving a consequence if it is repeated) will go alot further than trying to keep true bad/adult words from their little ears.

                            The commercial reminded me of that cookie commercial where the mom says "shut the front door!" My DH actually thought she was going to say the actual curse word phrase ::. Come to think of it I did buy those cookies so maybe the commercials do work.

