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Rubber Mulch...DONE!!

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  • Rubber Mulch...DONE!!

    I have a fenced in play area 25ft by 21ft. We filled it with 6 inches of rubber mulch this weekend. I am so excited to take the children out to play. We have had rubber mulch before but now we did a full 6 inches in the whole area, not just where the swings and slides are. It will be so low maintenance with no weeds growing. I am so happy it is done. It was VERY costly. It cost us $1500 for the mulch this time around. YIKES!
    Proud Mommy of Six...

  • #2
    Sounds really cool!

    I would LOVE to have rubber mulch but it just isn't in my budget.

    Also makes me sad, because the only thing our yard was filled with this weekend was 5-8 inches of snow


    • #3
      I am Western NY so we are no stranger to it looks like we will hit 60-70 degrees. That is nothing to complain about in my book . ::
      Proud Mommy of Six...


      • #4
        Originally posted by busymommy0420 View Post
        I am Western NY so we are no stranger to it looks like we will hit 60-70 degrees. That is nothing to complain about in my book . ::
        I am SERIOUSLY jealous!!!!!

        It is 27F here right now. The temps have been hovering anywhere from upper 20ies to mid 30ies with MORE snow coming mid-week.

        HEAVY and WET snow that you can't plow or snow blow. You can hardly even shovel because the ground is so really sucks!

        I want Spring!!!


        • #5
          WAY JEALOUS!

          I am planning on rubber mulch this summer, I have to replace our area every year with wood, never fails. Last year it was $700 for wood mulch! Might as well do rubber!


          • #6
            Love our rubber mulch. I got it with a grant. 4 tons or was it 3 tons. HUGE 1 ton bags delivered next to the road.
            It:: will wait


            • #7
              Originally posted by itlw8 View Post
              Love our rubber mulch. I got it with a grant. 4 tons or was it 3 tons. HUGE 1 ton bags delivered next to the road.
              How on earth did you move those ?


              • #8
                I love my rubber mulch. No weeds, no work! :-)
                I spent a good bit, but I only put rubber mulch around the slides and swings. Eventually I will add more but since I have to level areas of my backyard (which costs an arm and a leg) we're going to get it done one step at a time.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by busymommy0420 View Post
                  I have a fenced in play area 25ft by 21ft. We filled it with 6 inches of rubber mulch this weekend. I am so excited to take the children out to play. We have had rubber mulch before but now we did a full 6 inches in the whole area, not just where the swings and slides are. It will be so low maintenance with no weeds growing. I am so happy it is done. It was VERY costly. It cost us $1500 for the mulch this time around. YIKES!
                  I would LOVE to have rubber mulch but our state requires 9 inches of mulch! We plan on doing about a 40' by 20' area. I have access to super cheap wood mulch so it doesn't make sense to spend that kind of money when I almost don't even have to pay for it. I am really jealous though.


                  • #10
                    Jealous of your mulch AND your weather. Some day Spring will arrive, but it may not be until Fall ::


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by busymommy0420 View Post
                      I am Western NY so we are no stranger to it looks like we will hit 60-70 degrees. That is nothing to complain about in my book . ::
                      It snowed here this morning!


                      • #12
                        I love rubber mulch for my garden! That'd be fantastic for the area the children play in. I always comment that I wish the parks in my small community would use it (since that's where we visit twice a day).


                        • #13
                          Just curious, for those of you that have rubber mulch how did you have it installed? I've seen it two ways. One way is with the rubber mulch being in pieces about as big as wood mulch and it being poured loose (just like wood mulch) and another way is the rubber mulch being cut into small tiny pieces of mulch and being poured onto the area much like concrete but of course its much softer.


                          • #14
                            Mine came in bags...we ordered 300 bags and it is like wood chips but is rubber. It is soft to the step and if one of the children trip or fall it is very safe.
                            Proud Mommy of Six...

