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  • Fish???

    Do any of you have fish? I was thinking about getting the kids fish...but, what kind? Just regular goldfish? I don't want to have to do too much upkeep..any thoughts?

  • #2
    I love fish tanks. They are so calming and the kids just love to stand in front of them and watch the fish.

    But if you don't want a lot of work don't get gold fish they are messy you have to clean the tank a lot. You can get guppys they are cheap and pretty.

    If you were thinking of just a fish bowl with water you will be changing the water about every other day or so. You can get really cute little tanks with filters.

    Hope that helps!


    • #3
      We got a fish when we finished our ocean unit in August. Surprisingly, we are still on the same fish. Fingers crossed

      I like having him, he is pretty low maintenance. I got a tank with a filter (we had done a fishbowl years ago, and it was way to much maintenance). So I don't need to clean his tank as often now.


      • #4
        My DDs won two fish at the Fair last August, regular Goldfish, and they are doing fine in a fish bowl. We didn't expect them to last even a week.


        • #5
          We have a 20gallon tank and the kids love it! But it is way more work than I thought! But I also love it.


          • #6
            I have a 45 gallon fish tank. We have guppies and they have babies for learning. I don't bread. I just let nature take its course and let the other fish eat them and survival of the fittest.

            We also have glo fish.

            We live it and the kids love it!


            • #7
              we just have 2 little bettas in a little filterless tank with a divider (bettas are fighting fish and can't be housed together or with other fish). I change part of the water every few days and full water changes every few weeks - not too much work.

