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Do You Buy Your Daycare Kids Anything for Birthdays and Christmas?

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  • Do You Buy Your Daycare Kids Anything for Birthdays and Christmas?

    I'm wondering what everyone else does. When I had my licensed daycare in another state I use to do Birthday parites, Valentines Day parties, and Easter Parties, and Christmas parties I always got the kids something for there birthday and something for Christmas just from me and a name exchange. Last year I did something for my daycare now I only have 2 children as you can have 2 in my state without a licenses and I got no thank yous from the 2 parents nothing, then I had a daycare boys Birthday come around 2 months ago I got no thank yous from the Mom and I also told her a week before his Birthday what I got him and the same day she went and got him the same thing and she got it used I wondered if she took what I got him back and took the money it makes me wanna do nothing for Christmas this year or Birthdays and just spend the money on my kids but then I think I would feel bad for the kids I dont know what to do what do you guys do for holidays?

  • #2
    Books are always a good thing to give. I stock up on nice books from thrift shops and add them to my daycare collection. Then, find one I think they'd like when the time gets near and wrap it. You don't have to say you got it at a thrift shop or rummage because it looks brand new and technically it was "part of the daycare collection of books" just not used yet at the daycare. Does anyone think this is wrong? I know it's used, but it doesn't look like it. This way, they get a gift that is educational and age appropriate yet doesn't cost over a dollar each time. You could also buy new books too, some are only a few dollars.


    • #3
      I always buy a Bday & Christmas gift. I have never had a parent not say thank you but even if they didnt yes it would bother me but at same time the gift was for their child not them. For their Bday I try to stay close to $15 & $20 for Christmas. Sometimes I dont spend that much others I spend a little more it all depends on what I find that the child would enjoy. Plus (I know it is sad) but if I have really bounded with a child I will spend a bit more. There are also kids that you dont bound with at all & will go the cheapest route possible. I have 2 kids incare now & the one DK will be 1 this week. I spent around $20 for her gift. DK has been in care for since 3 months & is here close to 11 hours a day.


      • #4
        I don't usually do birthday gifts, but we have a special snack to celebrate on their birthdays. At Christmas, I just look around and see what I can find that I think each child will enjoy. I try to spend no more than $5-$10 per child. I have older (school age) kids, so last year the girls got barbies, and the boys got Bakugan and Thumb wrestling toys. I usually make up goody bags for Valentines, Halloween, and the end of the school year with candy, small toys, and usually a gift certificate for a free italian ice.

        (If you have a Ritas italian ice, they give the gift certs. away for free if you tell them it's for day care kids!)


        • #5
          Oh, great idea! I think I'm giving books for Christmas this year. So easy and I don't know why I hadn't thought of that! I'm going to start looking now.


          • #6
            I pick a theme and try to stick with it. For example, last Christmas each child got a book and a stuffed toy to go with the book. One got a book about a bunny, then a stuffed bunny to go with the book, another got a book about a mermaid and I found a stuffed mermaid. The only one that truly matched was I gave the infant in my care at the time the Velveteen Rabbit book and the Velveteen Rabbit to go with it. The majority of the books were from thrift stores, but in excellent condition. The stuffed toys were new.

            For their birthdays this year they are each getting a puzzle and a corresponding coloring book with crayons. With the exception of the ones 2 and younger. Example, I just had a child celebrate his 6th birthday. He got an "Iron Man" floor puzzle and an Iron Man coloring poster pack that came with markers. Another child earlier celebrated his 5th birthday and he got a transformers puzzle, transformer coloring book and a 24 pack of crayons. The children turning 2 or less get a wooden puzzle (age appropriate) and a corresponding book. I have a boy turning 2 at the end of this month and I picked up a sesame street puzzle (9 pieces) and will pick up a sesame street (cardboard) story book.
            Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


            • #7
              Daycare provider's two cents

              We pick out something for the daycare itself and give it in the kids' honor and they get to play with it first. No parent obligation to say thanks, no risk they already have it or take it back- kid is equally excited and you know it gets played with and loved. We began this tradition when a parent had a weekend party and asked there to be no gifts brought.


              • #8
                I got my dck's all a $10 working vehicle for xmas last year that I got at Wal-mart. One got a fire truck, one a helicopter, and one a dump truck I think. They were all 3 yo boys so I knew they would probably play with them! If I had more kids I'd probably make them play doh or finger paints like a lot of providers on here do. And I just opened in November if that makes a difference.


                • #9
                  I always do holidays and give gifts. Christmas I give each child a gift and a stocking full of things like crayons, coloring book, board books, chap stick etc. Birthdays I give a gift and have a little party here send home small treat bags. Halloween some kids don't go so I give those plastic pumpkins and fill them with more nutritional foods 1st like raisins granola bars yogurt covered peanuts etc then top it with a little candy. Holidays like Valentines I just have a little party with crafts and snacks to match and send home small bags of more nutritional goodies.

                  I used to get upset when parents don't even say thank you, I have had many! BUT then I remembered why I am doing it. For the kids! Not just to see the kids happy and let them know I care and they are special to me but because lots of kids don't get much. I have had kids come in here with ragged clothes, shoes falling apart and hungry bellies every day. Yes our time is important but I believe giving them something of their own to take to their home also makes them feel special. I have heard the books I give are the only books one child has at home so we can make a difference.

                  If you really enjoy giving the gifts and doing the special things then just remember who really benefits from it. The kids. As long as the child is thankful then I will continue. Trust me I have had a few kids that weren't very thankful too but the ones that are grateful out rank them so I keep on.


                  • #10
                    When I was working at a home daycare, I made a little scrapbook for each of the kids that was there at the time for Christmas. They were little mini books, I had taken pictures throughout the year (she had a bulletin board of pictures that parents could look at when they came in, and I kind of took over the job of decorating it) so then I had a bunch of pictures and decided to put them together in books that the kids could look at at home and the parents could enjoy. It was a lot of work, but I was just an assistant at that time, and it over my Christmas break from college, so I had a lot of time haha.


                    • #11
                      I give them a gift for Christmas and what I give depends on my financial ability. I've done $10 gifts a few times but usually try to keep it to $5-7/kid. This year I made them all Christmas scented playdough and included a Christmas cookie cutter. The kids loved it and it cost me $20 between the playdough containers and the cookie cutters.

                      For birthdays, I only give a gift if I'm attending their (after hours) party. I recently saw this idea and plan to start using it for birthdays.

                      Doing what I love and loving what I do.


                      • #12
                        There is no way I could NOT get my dck's gifts for birthdays and Christmas.

                        For birthdays I usually spend about $15. For Christmas I go all out. I spend about $40 on each child, with a nice gift at about 15-20.00, one smaller one at about $10 and the remainder of the money I buy little stocking stuffers and they each get a stocking.

                        We have a nice party...Santa included. I've had family members, including a neice play Santa, as well as actually hiring one in the past.

                        Once we had our Christmas party at McDonalds' and the entire time I was planning it, I never thought about the other kids that would be there. I always had candy canes for Santa to pass out to my dck's so I had extra's and had him pass them out to the other kids that were at McDonalds' as well.

                        How can Santa go into someplace and not have something for everyone...


                        • #13
                          I do, and the parents never say thank you. But, the kids squeal and bounce and hug and that's better than a grown up saying a formal thank you.

                          However, I have the kids make parent gifts for Christmas, Mother's day, and Father's day. I never, ever get a thank you for that. And it bothers me because those gifts cost me money for supplies and face it, I do most of the work. But, the look on the little faces when they wrap those gifts is priceless and I try to consider that a thank you.

                          I only have 3 kids on my roll, and most of the time, I hand make things like dolls and stuffed toys. Before day care, I had an etsy shop and I really enjoy making toys, so it's a good deal for me.


                          • #14
                            Five Below! i do because most of the parents do for mine


                            • #15
                              I did for Christmas, but I don't supply any gifts for Halloween party or Valentine's Day party.

                              I do put together easter eggs for the Easter party.

                              I was doing small birthday gifts ($5 or less) for the kids, but stopped. I'll be selectively giving them now (by placing them in the child's backpack without their knowledge to take home) to the people I know will appreciate it. All of the children come from affluent families so no one will miss out if I don't do it for them.

