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2 Year Old No Longer Napping?

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  • 2 Year Old No Longer Napping?

    I know there have been lots of posts about napping but I haven't seen one about this yet. I have a 2yo dcb (just turned 2 in July) who has always napped just fine here. He's been coming since January (part time at first, full time since June). He gets here at 9am so he sleeps later in the morning than the rest of my daycare kids (all others arrive between 7 and 8) but I can't adjust nap time just for him - those 7am kids are TIRED by 12:30!

    All of the sudden he's not napping 2-3 days out of the week!!! The routine is ALWAYS the same here - TV show during lunch prep, lunch, diapers/clean up, nap. He sleeps in a playpen in one of the bedrooms with a blanket over the window and a fan on. No books/toys/distractions, dark, cool and just the right amount of white noise. Yet, he will TALK/YELL (not cry, but yell "MAMA" repeatedly) for 2-2.5 hours!!! I'm at my wits end with this!

    I know kids will phase out naps over time but he JUST turned 2. Plus, he's an absolute BEAR by 5pm when he goes home. What should I do???
    Last edited by Michael; 09-01-2010, 12:05 PM.

  • #2
    Here are some earlier post regarding sleep problems:


    • #3
      Maybe switch him to a floor mat instead of the playpen and let him have a couple books to look at while on the mat. I would aim for him being quiet rather than trying to force a nap. I had a 2 and a half year old who started crying every time she woke up from her nap and was up late every night. Her mom said she didn't nap at home but instead had quiet time and so I adjusted to her having just a quiet time on her mat instead. That worked better for us because it gave her the rest she needed without getting too much. Also reading an extra book or two might help.
      Celebrate! ::


      • #4
        2 seems young to give up naps but I have a 7 mo old who all the sudden isn't wanting to take naps, very frustrating.


        • #5
          i would transition him to a nap mat and sit by him for awhile. i have one that i have to rub/pat her back, and sometimes rub lightly on her forehead. it works everytime. i know sometimes it is a pain to have to sit there and do that, but 15 minutes of rubbing/patting is worth the 2 hours she sleeps afterwards.


          • #6
            Naptime is MANDORTY here there is no play quiet on your mat in your playpen etc. My kids go down at 11:30 and do not get up till 1:30 and all my kids nap untill they go to school I make it clear from the start there is no yelling, talking, etc during nap time. You need to be stern with him when he yells you go in and tell him in a stern voice its nap time lay down and go to sleep and lay him down next time he yells go in and just lay him down and keep doing this he will get the point that it is nap time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kidkair View Post
              Maybe switch him to a floor mat instead of the playpen and let him have a couple books to look at while on the mat. I would aim for him being quiet rather than trying to force a nap. I had a 2 and a half year old who started crying every time she woke up from her nap and was up late every night. Her mom said she didn't nap at home but instead had quiet time and so I adjusted to her having just a quiet time on her mat instead. That worked better for us because it gave her the rest she needed without getting too much. Also reading an extra book or two might help.
              I had a 16 mo jumping, running in circles and yelling in his PnP for naptimes. I transitioned him to a mat because I was afraid he'd hurt himself and he was almost at the max weight anyway. It took 2-3 days of transition and now he falls asleep within 3 minutes of laying down on his mat.


              • #8
                its probably a stage, all kids do this. By next week he'll be back to his schedual. Kids do this all the time. I wouldn't let him give up the nap, what are you going to do with a 2 yr old all day, i just cant see him being a happy camper. Also, I found that I have to go in and sternally say, "its bed time, lay down and go to sleep" or would lay them down if they were standing up.

