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If You Ever Lost a ck Due to Job Loss.......

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  • If You Ever Lost a ck Due to Job Loss.......

    did the dcp's ever ask you to "hold" a spot until they found another job?

    I'm losing my first dcb (this is his last week) whom I've had almost a year now due to dcm being laid off. Right now the future is unknown of course...she is looking for employment both in & out of state, or perhaps contemplating going back to school part-time, etc....and she is suggesting that she wants dcb to have his space here and come one day per week here just to play since he loves it here in the meantime.

    Um, I CANNOT hold a full-time spot so he can come play one day per week....and everything is so up in the air. She had been interviewing all over anyway since the beginning of the year with no luck.

    DCM is coming over to talk to me tomorrow am about all of this and what she's thinking. I'm thinking to tell her fine, she can bring dcb ONE set day per week, but that if I find someone to fill his spot, I would have to let him go. HOW DO I SAY THAT IN A NICE WAY?? :confused: Should I even bother stringing them along like that? I'm afraid she will want to drop-in here & there for interviews, etc and I really don't want that as she's the chatty-stay-for-an-hour-at-drop-off type. Oy!

    ANY advice would be most appreciated - thanks!!!
    Last edited by ninosqueridos; 08-31-2010, 04:51 AM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    Originally posted by ninosqueridos View Post
    did the dcp's ever ask you to "hold" a spot until they found another job?

    I'm losing my first dcb (this is his last week) whom I've had almost a year now due to dcm being laid off. Right now the future is unknown of course...she is looking for employment both in & out of state, or perhaps contemplating going back to school part-time, etc....and she is suggesting that she wants dcb to have his space here and come one day per week here just to play since he loves it here in the meantime.

    Um, I CANNOT hold a full-time spot so he can come play one day per week....and everything is so up in the air. She had been interviewing all over anyway since the beginning of the year with no luck.

    DCM is coming over to talk to me tomorrow am about

    all of this and what she's thinking. I'm thinking to tell her fine, she can bring
    dcb ONE set day per week, but that if I find someone to fill his spot, I wouldhave to let him go. HOW DO I SAY THAT IN A NICE WAY??:confused: Should I even bother stringing them along like that? I'm afraidshe will want to drop-in here & there for interviews, etc and I really don't
    want that as she's the chatty-stay-for-an-hour-at-drop-off type. Oy

    ANY advice would be most appreciated - thanks!!!
    my advice would be to ask yourself the likelyhood of her actually coming back full time. She could actually just be
    stringing YOU along by saying she's going to bring him only one day a week. If I were in your shoes, I'd tell her I could only hold the spot if she paid you a monthly fee( mine is $100/month with a three month limit )and after that, there are no guarantees.
    Also, if she doesn't want to pay the fee, just politely tell her that you don't provide drop in care. I don't either bc it just seems to throw off our schedule,and to be honest, it's not worth the time.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Bizzymom1111; 08-30-2010, 09:09 PM. Reason: Spelling
    ~Everything happens for a reason~


    • #3
      I would just tell her that she can pay full-time rate and bring him anytime, or pick a set day per week and pay your daily rate of $xx or she can be a drop-in at the price of $xx per time, if you have a spot available that day. I'm sure she won't be able to afford full time rate if she's not working, and you will want to make sure that daily rate is a little higher, and drop-in a little higher than that. My handbook says that full time takes precedence over part time or drop in, and that the pt or di family will have the opportunity to go to full time if they want the spot, but otherwise that spot will be filled with a full timer.


      • #4
        sadly,.. I know your pain. quite well unfortunately. Our unemployment rate for the last year has hovered around 17-18 %. NOT KIDDING. It is my practice to hold the spot for 2 weeks at half price,... advertise for the spot,... interview,... and if I find someone give original family the oppportunity to come back at full time or forfiet to new family. They dont like it but I had to,.. at one point last spring I had 6 of my 9 families laid off. I replaced 2 and the rest came back full time eventually,... good luck.


        • #5
          Unfortunately I would have to think about myself and my finances. I would hold the spot but only for a fee. When one of my parents was pregnant she wanted me to hold a spot for 8 mths for her newborn - I had a current spot open for a newborn so I told her I could only hold a spot for a fee. They fought me on it but I ended up winning


          • #6
            I have lost a few kids over the years due to job losses. I never keep or hold their spot for them. I would just explain to her that paying for one day isn't enough. You need the income with a full time spot. Maybe you could tell her you would do it BUT if something full time comes available before she gets a job then they would have to leave.


            • #7
              Originally posted by tenderhearts View Post
              I have lost a few kids over the years due to job losses. I never keep or hold their spot for them. I would just explain to her that paying for one day isn't enough. You need the income with a full time spot. Maybe you could tell her you would do it BUT if something full time comes available before she gets a job then they would have to leave.
              This is what I suggest as well.


              • #8
                I posted before about it but yes, going through that right now. Actually, mom is on "leave" under investigation for doing something wrong at work. She is telling me a grandparent is very ill. She calls me once a week just to "check in" I told her I was going to have to fill the spot. Turns out someone asked for a spot the same week. She is starting in a few weeks. If you have to have the money, which is a major factor for us all, fill it! Friend or not.


                • #9
                  I would just be honest and tell her that she can come at my drop-in rate for that one day a week but that I would be advertising for someone to fill that spot If I had two or more spots open I would give her the choice of being a drop-in or of charge a "holding fee" per month. I would only hold a spot for her if she paid the holding fee.


                  • #10
                    Thank you everyone for your help!!! I met with her, and we are doing one SET day per week WITH the understanding that she could continue bringing him only until the space is filled by someone (hopefully by HER if she can get a job first). She seemed disappointed that I wouldn't just hold the spot for her...but at the same time understanding that I have to do what I have to do. She is hoping that she can find something quickly so she could come back here full-time. i just love her son so it will be nice to still see his smiling face once a week. Now off to advertise.... thanks again!

