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Feelings Are Hurt

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  • Feelings Are Hurt

    After a family that I would have liked to term anyway left with no notice. They had recently moved about 20 minutes away so I saw it coming. But they had been bull****ting me the whole time that the kids were both going to be full time starting Monday.

    Nope got a text Friday morning that the kids wouldn't be back. This is after I had text her Thursday asking for the kids new schedules. She ignores the text. Wake up to the text 'kids won't be coming anymore sorry for the notice'. I ask 'any reason in particular' she ignores it. I text her that evening 'what day will you be picking up the kids thing?' She ignores it. Then she text me today out of the blue 'you home'....

    So I'm hurt because her little boy really did well at my house. But I'm pissed and tired of their games also.

  • #2
    Oh and the kicker? They are taking the kids to my old place of employment! So that kind if hurts my ego. But honestly this is a place I didn't take my own kids after working there for a couple of years. I hope they hate it! If she had just been honest about needing closer care I would have recommended better places for her to go to.


    • #3
      I now also feel very stressed out and anxious. This was my first family so now I feel discouraged.


      • #4
        I know how you are feeling. Even when it is a family you would like to term, it still stings a lot when they beat you to the punch. I have definitely had that happen and it is definitely an offended feeling. But on my experience that feeling just makes you sick for the first day, and usually is over in the next few days - if not then in a week it will be gone for sure.

        At this point I think of it as a blessing in disguise. When you term a family, they get offended and often get ANGRY (because how dare you not want to spend your days with their perfect child), and that can either turn into a complaint to licensing, an altercation with a parent, or just bad mouthing your daycare. So it really is best when parents leave on their own, even when it feels just awful.

        So take my word, that the pit in your stomach will be gone after a few days of thinking about it non-stop, and hashing it out with your friends. Big hugs !


        • #5
          Call me passive agressive but if she would have text me "you home?" randomly after hours of ignoring my texts I would have just said 'no' even if I was- it may be a bit petty but if she doesn't have time or the respect to answer my texts right away than she obviously doesn't need it right away, and I have a life too. I would tell her I will be availble 15 minutes after closing time the next day and tell her to come at that time and that I will not be available after that time. It's technically not a lie even if you don't go anywhere, you are not saying you will not be there you are just saying you will not be available- because you are off the clock and that is your family time- and she is not even your client anymore and didn't even give you enough notice.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Starburst View Post
            Call me passive agressive but if she would have text me "you home?" randomly after hours of ignoring my texts I would have just said 'no' even if I was- it may be a bit petty but if she doesn't have time or the respect to answer my texts right away than she obviously doesn't need it right away, and I have a life too. I would tell her I will be availble 15 minutes after closing time the next day and tell her to come at that time and that I will not be available after that time. it's technically not a lie even if you don't go anywhere, you are not saying you will not be their you are just saying you will not be available- because you are off the clock and that is your family time- and she is not even your client anymore and didn't even give you enough notice.
            I have every intention of ignoring her until Monday. I was going to text her that I'm closed on the weekends but have decided I will just text her 'ya' on Monday morning. Lol


            • #7
              I'm really sensitive and even after 10 years it still hurts my feelings when a family leaves even when I was gearing up to term them and even when they give notice.
              I have realized that the only families I've had leave without a reason such as moving over an hour away, kids aging out or job loss have been families I wanted to term. I've started to realize I must act differently. Maybe they can see that I'm sick of their antics because it seems like right when I'm ready to term they give notice or just never come back.
              It usually hurts for the first day and then it's just gone and life goes on. Why does it hurt when I wanted them to leave? Why does it hurt when I know their problems with my daycare were just "their problems" because they couldn't follow rules?
              It goes a little something like this when they give notice or don't show up: happyface:confused:happyface


              • #8
                Celebrate! You just got relieved of a huge headache! happyface

                My very first family turned out to be complete wackadoodles. Don't fret. All families are not like this!

