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Selling Stolen Goods

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  • Selling Stolen Goods

    Really upset with my sisters complete lack of ethics. I heard the other day something that is just bothering me because there really isn't anything i can do about it but be angry. One of their neighbors moved out a few weeks ago and a package had been sitting on their doorstep for a while. My sister had her boyfriend go get it and bring it to their house. Then when opened discovered a Couch purse, worth around 200-300$. She then in turn sold it on craigs list for about 150$. Mom justified her behavior by saying she needs the money. Im am so mad at her but this is not the first time she has been a thief and liar so i guess im not surprised either.

  • #2
    That's sad...wonder how much she will have needed the money when she goes to jail and has court fees to pay which will probably be more than what she got from the purse...not to mention morals.


    • #3
      ^ for serious.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rmc20021 View Post
        That's sad...wonder how much she will have needed the money when she goes to jail and has court fees to pay which will probably be more than what she got from the purse...not to mention morals.

        Anytime I've had the pleasure of working with people like this, when they do finally get caught, it's always someone else's fault. The woman I worked with who through some fluke recieved two income tax refund checks, cashed them BOTH knowing that one was not hers, and spent the money. When they took away her next years refund to pay for it, she was furious. So I imagine the sister will cry "poor me" and not learn even when she is caught.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Play Care View Post

          Anytime I've had the pleasure of working with people like this, when they do finally get caught, it's always someone else's fault. The woman I worked with who through some fluke recieved two income tax refund checks, cashed them BOTH knowing that one was not hers, and spent the money. When they took away her next years refund to pay for it, she was furious. So I imagine the sister will cry "poor me" and not learn even when she is caught.
          :confused::confused::confused: some people...


          • #6
            Opening another person's mail is a FEDERAL OFFENSE! Not cool!!


            • #7

              My friend had a boyfriend that would steal gift cards out of the mail, and give her the 'girlie' ones. She spent them with NO problems:confused: She had a TON. When her Hubby and her got divorced (different guy) many years later, he left her with so much debt... It's been 6 years and she's still paying it off. Bad investment deals, audited taxes, bankruptcy... It comes around.


              • #8
                I am surprised at your mom too. It all fine until somebody steals her stuff I bet!


                • #9
                  Your mom sounds like my mom. She always defends my brother who does a lot of things he shouldn't do and it drives me nuts how she picks and chooses the times when she wants to be a 'good christian' or 'good catholic' or whatever she wants to call herself. IMHO, the only way to justify breaking a law is if it is to help someone OTHER than yourself.... like if you jaywalk to help someone who collapses in the middle of the street (technicaly jaywalking is against the law).

                  and yes as a PP pointed out not only is the taking the purse and selling it a crime but so is taking people's mail. So that is at least two crimes (the selling stolen propery [boot-legging? fence?] might be catigorized as its own crime so possibly a total of 3 crimes)


                  • #10
                    My Mom always had the funniest excuses for my criminal brother.

                    "oh he wouldn't have stolen the copper off of those air conditioners if he didn't need the money" and then that would turn into denial. "what? No, he's not using the money for drugs!"

                    Needless to say the updates I get now sound like this:

                    "He only had that gang symbol tattooed into the back of his head so that he could be protected from the other gangs in jail"

                    "He's really enjoying solitary confinement"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Really upset with my sisters complete lack of ethics. I heard the other day something that is just bothering me because there really isn't anything i can do about it but be angry. One of their neighbors moved out a few weeks ago and a package had been sitting on their doorstep for a while. My sister had her boyfriend go get it and bring it to their house. Then when opened discovered a Couch purse, worth around 200-300$. She then in turn sold it on craigs list for about 150$. Mom justified her behavior by saying she needs the money. Im am so mad at her but this is not the first time she has been a thief and liar so i guess im not surprised either.
                      Ok is this for real? :confused:

                      If so, YOU are now an accomplice since you are privy to this information.

                      Do the right, moral and ethical thing and turn her in.

                      Not only is she hurting herself and her family but she is committing a crime. You and your mom are both aware of this and staying silent certainly will not help her learn.

                      Being an enabler is just as bad as being a thief. Especially when YOU know better.


                      • #12
                        Unless there is someone reporting it stolen and there is clear evidence, doubt there is anything the police would do. Since it was a package from Couch, they would most likely just write it off as lost and send the customer a new one.
                        "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
                        Acts 13:22


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dave4him View Post
                          Unless there is someone reporting it stolen and there is clear evidence, doubt there is anything the police would do. Since it was a package from Couch, they would most likely just write it off as lost and send the customer a new one.
                          I wouldn't count on that. Coach isn't going to just suck up the loss....why should they? Even if they did, how is simply assuming the purchaser would get a replacement a solution to the issue of stealing/mail tampering? :confused:

                          I also disagree that the police need clear evidence...all they need to do is investigate and if someone is privy to that info and reports it, then the police have enough to begin an investigation.

                          We aren't talking a couple dollars here either as most Coach purses run in the hundred dollar plus range.

                          I'm sorry but even if this was my sister, I would "pushing" her to do the right thing regardless.

                          Stealing is stealing and that is not ok...even if the recipient gets a replacement, it doesn't change the fact that the package does NOT belong to the sister.

                          Plus, as previous posters stated, not only did she steal from Coach/purchaser, but she committed a federal crime by opening a package NOT addressed to her.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Really upset with my sisters complete lack of ethics. I heard the other day something that is just bothering me because there really isn't anything i can do about it but be angry. One of their neighbors moved out a few weeks ago and a package had been sitting on their doorstep for a while. My sister had her boyfriend go get it and bring it to their house. Then when opened discovered a Couch purse, worth around 200-300$. She then in turn sold it on craigs list for about 150$. Mom justified her behavior by saying she needs the money. Im am so mad at her but this is not the first time she has been a thief and liar so i guess im not surprised either.
                            I had this happen to me. I would bet that your sister and friend are taking stolen credit cards and making purchases to be delivered to homes knowing no one will answer. It happened to my offices in Palm Springs where I only visit every few months. I found some merchandise and opened the box. There is usually an item that is a couple of hundred dollars. I called the manufacturer and reported it. The credit card purchases usually originated from Toronto.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Starburst View Post
                              Your mom sounds like my mom. She always defends my brother who does a lot of things he shouldn't do and it drives me nuts how she picks and chooses the times when she wants to be a 'good christian' or 'good catholic' or whatever she wants to call herself. IMHO, the only way to justify breaking a law is if it is to help someone OTHER than yourself.... like if you jaywalk to help someone who collapses in the middle of the street (technicaly jaywalking is against the law).

                              and yes as a PP pointed out not only is the taking the purse and selling it a crime but so is taking people's mail. So that is at least two crimes (the selling stolen propery [boot-legging? fence?] might be catigorized as its own crime so possibly a total of 3 crimes)
                              ^^^ This.

                              My mom is the exact same way with my brother and has every excuse in the world for his behavior, so I can relate.

