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Question For Those Who Have Separate/Designated Play Area...

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  • #31
    I would love to have a separate home for daycare, but.... alas, it's not an option. I envy those of you who do!


    • #32
      I have a couch in the playroom, and right around the corner from the playroom is my computer so I have a wooden office chair that roles.

      However when I am with them I mostly sit on the floor. I am tall 5'11 so the floor is really the best place for me.


      • #33
        I have a couch and a rocker, but only because it is also our families living room at night and weekends. I would love to get rid of the couch for more space and just keep the chair, but pretty sure the family wouldn't like having to sit on the floor at night.


        • #34
          I have sofas in the family room (toddler toys and tv) and living room (manipulatives and puzzles), rocking chair in the playroom (most toys and books). I use the regular sized table and chairs in the dining room (crafts and school).


          • #35
            I either sit in a folding chair or kids chair. I had my own table for a while, but it became a sh*t magnet and I got rid of it. I tend to be cluttery and I hate it!


            • #36
              Originally posted by mamac View Post
              At first I was wondering how you could manage living with no adult furniture but then I remembered you had a separate house just for daycare, right? (RIGHT?!) . ::
              LOL! :: yes, I have a separate house for child care.

              It is kind of funny though when I think about it because I do spend way more time here than I do at home.

              I must be used to the floors and little chairs because even at home when sitting down, I am usually on the floor.

              It's just DH and I at home now so even when we eat dinner, we both sit on the floor around the coffee table and then when I watch TV at night, I am still sitting on the floor.


              • #37
                We are finishing our basement right now. There will be a glider rocker. Also, we purchased used cabinets for the kitchen off of craigslist. They came with a "kitchen" desk, so this will be put in down there. We may eventually get a couch down there. Otherwise, I'm 5'3'' and also fit fine in the toddler chairs!
                MnMum married to DH 9 years
                Mum to Girl 21, Girl 18, Boy 14.5, Boy 11

