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The Babies...

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  • Unregistered
    Guest replied
    I have two 1 yr olds as my babies-they have both been with me since they were 4 & 6 mos old. I have them on the same nap schedule which is usually an hr and a half in the morning-which they go down after being here for for 2 1/2 hrs, the after being up for about 2 1/2 more hrs-they are ready to go down in the afternoon-this nap usually last for 2 hrs. They are both very good babies-neither prefer to be held much unless they are tired, but their most cranky time is between naps also. I have always wondered why too-they get up and by usually an hr later they are getting fussy again. I always thought it was just because they are so used to the schedule I have them on-they are not on the same schedules at home,but they know them very well here. I usually sit one in the exersaucer and one in the toddler seat bouncer thing-he likes to set back with his ninny and blanket and they are usually content while I fix lunch. They like to watch music on tv or I will turn on a preschool show for them. Give it a try with putting them in a bouncer or exersaucer so it keeps them occupied and see how it works, even if they have a blanket to hold it helps calm them. They will come to realize while they are at your home some things are different than being at their home.

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  • tenderhearts
    started a topic The Babies...

    The Babies...

    The almost 5 mo old that I started 1 1/2 mo ago and the 7 mo old I started a couple weeks ago have been getting fussy between their naps. Both are on about a 2 1/2 hr rotation of eat, sleep, play. I know the younger one is getting held ALOT at home the last couple weeks because she has some grandparents here visiting for a month and are staying with them. It was a rough day today, not terrible but one of them got up from their nap and after 45 min were getting fussy just wanting to be held and I've been NOT just holding them. I play with them on the floor and stuff and will rock them a little but I don't want them to be in that habit. Hoping it's not something bad starting where I'm going to start having 2 fussy babies all the time.