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Some Q's About Floor Plans and Escape Plans

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  • Some Q's About Floor Plans and Escape Plans

    For licensing I have to draw a floor plan and escape plans.

    Did you draw your floor plans to scale?

    Is your evacuation plan, floor plan and tornado plans on the same sheet of paper?

    Do you use any type of standard symbols and where did you find them?

    In addition to drawing out all of the plans, did you also write out the plans?

    Do you know anywhere, I can get samples?

    Sorry, a lot of questions, but licensing is not really helping me on this one.

  • #2
    My floor plans are not to scale, i just guessed based on the size of paper I used on how big to make each room
    My fire, tornado and accidentinjury plan are all on one page. The fire route is written in red, the tornado in green. My written instructions are on the same page. My floor plan takes up all but a small border on top, bottom and left side. On the right side i left a border of about 3 inches, and this is where i have my written out plans-again fire in red and tornado in green.
    My fire/smoke alarms and extinguishers are marked with yellow.
    It is very simple. It seems really silly to me actually to have this in my home, who in the world is going to read it...certainly not the kids! My home is so small anyone would find a door quicker than they could read the escape plan!
    My licencing worker was quite happy with what I have, so I guess it's good enough!


    • #3
      Did you draw your floor plans to scale? Yes. But only because I am kind of OCD about that kind of thing.

      Is your evacuation plan, floor plan and tornado plans on the same sheet of paper? No, I made a book and had it bound at the office supply store. On the front page is my floor plan and then inside is the evacuation plan for all types of scenarios, directions for using the safe room* as well as emergency numbers. In the back is a pocket where I keep all of my kid's emergency forms.

      ETA: This book is hung near our cubbies (basement), I also keep a copy in my daycare cabinet (basement) and one is kept with my phone book and stuff upstairs in the kitchen so it is always near.

      Do you use any type of standard symbols and where did you find them? No, just fire exits in red, safe room marked in blue.

      In addition to drawing out all of the plans, did you also write out the plans? Yes. Parents receive a copy of all of these things when registering, so I figured it should be written and drawn. I include a "What To Do" section for parents in their copy. That includes where they would pick up their children if we had an emergency that required evacuating and also some other info dealing with bad weather etc.

      *Safe room is used we are on lock down, tornadoes and any other type of emergency that we can't evacuate safely.


      • #4
        Thanks, I just hope I do it right. More confidant now


        • #5
          Emergency Contacts online

          We use e-CYREN to maintain our children's information and evacuation locations so that in an emergency, if for some reason the paper forms are not available or up to date we can access the information remotely online. Although we keep hard copies on site, we are able to use e-CYREN to send parent's text and email messages requesting them to update their child's information form. The parents like it because once the information is entered, they only have to update what changed, print and sign. In addition to having the information as backup, it is easier for parents to keep the information up to date.

          We also use e-CYREN to record our 4 evacuation locations. We have one that is close by the others farther away in different directions. If there is a need to go to one of the 4 locations, we have the information available and we can quickly send an email or text message to parents letting them know where we are.

          It is my understanding that the e-CYREN is new and that is why it is free for a limited time. But it has be great.


          • #6
   has a great classroom planner that allows you to draw rooms to scale and add day care furniture and everything.

