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Landlord Doesn't Want Me To Have A Daycare

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    Relevant info, but this thread is almost a year old.

    Just in case anyone wanted to know or was quoting or advising the OP.
    just saw the date.......btw where is willow.........???????????


    • #17
      Originally posted by daycare View Post
      just saw the date.......btw where is willow.........???????????
      She closed her daycare in November.


      • #18
        Wow, we have to have a landlord's written permission to operate in a rented home or apartment. It is hard to believe that a landlord doesn't have the right to have his property not used to operate a business. I wonder if that includes apartments.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Laurel View Post
          Wow, we have to have a landlord's written permission to operate in a rented home or apartment. It is hard to believe that a landlord doesn't have the right to have his property not used to operate a business. I wonder if that includes apartments.
          In California that includes an apartment as well. Even if your lease says “No businesses” or “No commercial uses,” those provisions are
          void if the landlord tries to use them to stop you from running a small family child care home of 6 or less kids. In California, family child care is legally considered a residential use of property, not a business use. In addition, a landlord may not limit the hours that care is provided. For example, the provider is free to decide whether or not to provide evening or weekend care.


          • #20
            Trying to get Licensed but Landlord standing in my way

            Hello. I am trying to get my insoection complete but my landlord who knew my intentions from the beginning is saying he will not allow access to the top floors where he lives or thr basement for an insoection by the marshall. A friend who is licensed said the city needs to inspect the entire building. I do not want to invest any more money trying to make the apartment compliant if i will not be able to open dur to the landlord. Do they inspect all apartments or jist my space?

