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What Does Your CL Ad Say

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  • What Does Your CL Ad Say

    I was going to put an ad on CL but i have no idea how i should word it or what info to put in it.

  • #2
    On mine, I have my philosophy, a bit about me including my certifications, hours, and allergy info - i have 2 cats and a dog...


    • #3
      Not to hijack the thread, but I'm curious how many of you post pics of your space? I didn't find my DC on cl but I always searched the ads with pics as opposed to the ones without.


      • #4
        I do put a little bit of info about myself and my program and I have a couple pics posted of my play area, will be adding more today of some of our projects we've worked on recently.


        • #5
          I do not have a pic posted yet. I will put one on my ad when I have to repost another ad in the future. I finally have somewhat of a daycare space that looks kid friendly, rather than just a home.


          • #6
            My CL ads always have pictures of my daycare space as well as some of the kids doing activities. The text that I add always talks about the spot that I'm looking to fill and I include my fee (Id rather have it posted and the families know about it up front so that I know that calls that I get are serious). I use their maps option and include a map with a pin of my general location.

            I also include my flyer which has a lot of my general information and references to my website where they can find more information, more pictures etc.

            Here's my current CL ad that I have up. I'm trying to fill a very difficult Tues-Thurs spot .


            • #7
              Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
              My CL ads always have pictures of my daycare space as well as some of the kids doing activities. The text that I add always talks about the spot that I'm looking to fill and I include my fee (Id rather have it posted and the families know about it up front so that I know that calls that I get are serious). I use their maps option and include a map with a pin of my general location.

              I also include my flyer which has a lot of my general information and references to my website where they can find more information, more pictures etc.

              Here's my current CL ad that I have up. I'm trying to fill a very difficult Tues-Thurs spot .
              I love your ad!


              • #8
                Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                My CL ads always have pictures of my daycare space as well as some of the kids doing activities. The text that I add always talks about the spot that I'm looking to fill and I include my fee (Id rather have it posted and the families know about it up front so that I know that calls that I get are serious). I use their maps option and include a map with a pin of my general location.

                I also include my flyer which has a lot of my general information and references to my website where they can find more information, more pictures etc.

                Here's my current CL ad that I have up. I'm trying to fill a very difficult Tues-Thurs spot .
                I love your ad, i also love that you use real (well plastic dishes) insted of paper plates and cups


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                  My CL ads always have pictures of my daycare space as well as some of the kids doing activities. The text that I add always talks about the spot that I'm looking to fill and I include my fee (Id rather have it posted and the families know about it up front so that I know that calls that I get are serious). I use their maps option and include a map with a pin of my general location.

                  I also include my flyer which has a lot of my general information and references to my website where they can find more information, more pictures etc.

                  Here's my current CL ad that I have up. I'm trying to fill a very difficult Tues-Thurs spot .
                  You're ad looks awesome!

                  My CL ad right now does not have much info in it ... I have important information in there- that I am expected for be opening early Spring, that I will be licensed, provide food, that I'm a certified elementary teacher, etc.


                  • #10
                    If you have a permit, I think it is important to mention it and also educate people about the benefits/pros of having a child in a regulated day care program. I wouldn't make your post too long because a lot of people are in a hurry and won't take the time to read. I think short and to the point on days, hours, services, experience would suffice.


                    • #11
                      Here is mine, it's pretty lengthy and I have a website and Facebook page


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Evansmom View Post
                        Here is mine, it's pretty lengthy and I have a website and Facebook page

                        That's sooo nice. I used to live in that area. I miss Austin
                        I bet your Licensing inspector loves you.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Chuckles View Post
                          That's sooo nice. I used to live in that area. I miss Austin
                          I bet your Licensing inspector loves you.
                          Aww, thanks! Actually I'm just listed. I only have 3 spots but my son is 5 and stays with me too. It's a really small school but I like it that way!

                          Where did you move to?


                          • #14
                            I moved back to Dallas. I went to school in Austin and didn't find a job in time to stay. Sadly, a lot of my stuff is still in storage there ! If you ever went registered/licensed, you would probably rock.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chuckles View Post
                              I moved back to Dallas. I went to school in Austin and didn't find a job in time to stay. Sadly, a lot of my stuff is still in storage there ! If you ever went registered/licensed, you would probably rock.
                              Thanks! I'm surprised you say that tho. I was under the impression from reading all the guidelines that I would be expected to have centers and be set up like a daycare. I already meet all the safety guidelines and more bc in my opinion what they require is just common sense.

                              But I do the playing/toys set up a little differently bc I believe in the environment as the third teacher and I believe that children need to play in an uncluttered, peaceful environment so I keep all my sets of toys upstairs and we go up there, the kids pick what they want to play with. If they get bored or change their minds we pick it up and trade it for something else. Everything stays organized and the kids learn to respect my materials while also appreciating order. I guess I figured the state wouldn't go for that but it really works for us!

