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  • Cuz...

    Here is a CL ad. She can watch up to 15 kids by herself! WTH? Sorry, but I can't believe this!

    I am in the burton area right now will be moving to lansing next month i'm looking to start my own in home childcare when i move there.I have two kids of my own ages two and three.I do fun and learning activity's daily.I can help teach to potty train i can provide meals nap time and much more.My pay is what best fits you and your family cuz ik times are hard i can watch up to 15 kids in my home at once cuz.I can do one on one time and much more if you are more interested in me babysitting in these next two months please email me at abc @123
    Last edited by Blackcat31; 02-27-2013, 01:00 PM. Reason: removed personal identifying information

  • #2
    Oh gosh
    I read a lot like this in our CL too.


    • #3
      15? that is crazy!

      I just came across this cl add listed under childcare. I didn't think this was legal.

      Husband and wife desperately wanting a baby/ Child
      My husband and I have tried to get pregnant 2 times through In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment's and unfortunately they failed both times. I am a 28 year old woman and I am so very ready to raise, nurture, LOVE, and be a Great Mommy to a child/baby! After our IVF failed I prayed about it and I really feel like God want's us to adopt! Right now We live in a 2 story home. Both of my husbands Children live with us, they are good kid's and are pretty much grown. Financially we are doing good! My husband is a minister here in ******. Please if you know anyone that is pregnant or already has a child and can no longer care for the child and you don't want the state to take them Please call me

      We can meet and talk about how to go about this in a legal manner in a public place. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and may God Bless you!


      • #4
        This is the main reason I've never advertised on CL. Most of the ads in my area are very similar to this. I don't feel that I'd be viewed as a professional if I were to advertise along side ads like these. Thankfully, I've had great word of mouth and haven't had to advertise in years!!


        • #5
          obviously someone that has no idea what they are talking about. no experienced professional would allow 15 kids (of any age apparently) and then offer "one-on-one care". she cant even do that now because she has two children that are not school age. dont even get me started on the grammar and punctuation plus the negotiable rates and no local references. yikes! sad thing is that she will probably get a few calls.


          • #6
            Originally posted by melilley View Post
            Here is a CL ad. She can watch up to 15 kids by herself! WTH? Sorry, but I can't believe this!

            I am in the burton area right now will be moving to lansing next month i'm looking to start my own in home childcare when i move there.I have two kids of my own ages two and three.I do fun and learning activity's daily.I can help teach to potty train i can provide meals nap time and much more.My pay is what best fits you and your family cuz ik times are hard i can watch up to 15 kids in my home at once cuz.I can do one on one time and much more if you are more interested in me babysitting in these next two months please email me at abc @123
            This may sound mean but I would pretend I was an interested parent and try to get her address and report her to DHS- there is no way that what she is duing is legal and even implying that you would watch that many kids in your home should be a red flag that you have no regards to the law and you do not value what is in the best interest of the children- meaning they have no business working with kids! She is also most likely unlicensed and maybe she isn't even a legal resident and doesn't understand that you need a licence/cannot have that many or she cannot apply for a license. And in most states you cannot care for more than 2 or 3 non related kids without a license.


            • #7
              Maybe this is mean/snobbish of me, but if I were a prospective parent I'd run from this. I wouldn't let someone that can't capitalize an I, can't type out a whole word, and doesn't know that "activities" does not require an apostrophe come anywhere near my child with "learning activity's". Call me a grammar nazi, but I feel that your ad represents you and the quality of care that you provide. I'd cut some slack if it were obviously a language barrier, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

              Besides that, 15 kids to one adult is a LOT.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post

